Occasionally there’s a great misunfortunate when a tablo dies… yet users can still access their drive and just know there are shows on there they’d like to salvage. --then there are those who think they know what they’re doing venture in to trouble shooting and loose the internal DB while the drive is still intact with no way way to salvage their recordings.
Now I’m sure there are users and/or developers here who could do a better job understanding (researching) and explaining this and perhaps a more user-friendly method. Me, it’s was mostly a “will this work” …and it did.
-Stumbled upon handbrake, a wrapper for ffmpeg. (I read ffmpeg, by developers for developers - you read it’s docs)
since my tablo was recording, I didn’t actually connect it to my PC. I used lftp
to mirror one of the segs
directory. it was just easier but should have no impact on the outcome.
Connect your drive to your PC, I don’t know about window, I understand they are coming around and may be able to access the filesystem directly.
If you didn’t already know, you’ll have little to no idea what shows are what, so if you have 1Ks… well even hundreds . You might get a slight clue looking at the
in each numbered folder (maybe the thumbnails in snap_grid).
Back to handbrake, click “Open Source” - the input source for your video/show. You want to just single-click select the folder not open segs
. If you’ve selected the directory/folder the Title drop-down should have multiple entries ie) 1 - 00h05m09s - 0001
As for any of the settings and configuration options – no real idea, except give it a name and select location to store the completed video. Right, since I had no real clue I clicked around and left it alone for now.
At this point click Start wait a bit, and you’ll have show. A virtually pain free video… now you’ll have to figure out what show it is. So all this depends how important salvaging recordings are to you.
As for exporting with a functioning tablo, there are of course much better tools available.
This worked for me, I went through it twice, to make sure I was getting each step, as rather simple as they are. If you ever find yourself in in this situation, hope not, I hope this may help some one some day.
– a factory reset is not a troubleshooting step.