If you insist going this path, here’s one option Recovering Show from good drive/dead tablo (via handbrake)
Occasionally there’s a great misunfortunate when a tablo dies… yet users can still access their drive and just know there are shows on there they’d like to salvage. --then there are those who think they know what they’re doing venture in to trouble shooting and loose the internal DB while the drive is still intact with no way way to salvage their recordings.
Now I’m sure there are users and/or developers here who could do a better job understanding (researching) and explaining this and perhap…
again, painful process.
And one use wroth a python script to extract the meta-data from the backup DB on the drive, then export the show… Extracting Videos from Tablo External Hard Drive
In case someone has an old external hard drive from a failed Tablo with videos they need, or you are just interested in sample queries of the Tablo.db… I pushed my Python 3 script to make an .MP4 file from the video segments to github. Obviously if your Tablo is working there are many better ways to do this with apps listed here! But, if the Tablo is dead, this might help save some videos.
I only use Linux, but the DB Browser program I used to query the database is available for Windows and M…
If I recall, it does one recording at a time… very tedious.
These options are more last-resorts, if you tablo pukes and you have a drive full of shows.
Best option would have been to transfer drive to new tablo.