Tablo Server Outage - September 8, 2024

That’s a hard no.


My best guess is that they get a kickback from the FAST channels, and for whatever reason they have set the system up to deny access without them.

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This means Tablo servers cannot see your Tablo.
It’s only a bad thing for Tablo gen 4 users.
Since legacy Tablos don’t need Tablo servers to function, legacy Tablos still work fine.

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So, are things still broken for Gen 4 devices this morning? The link still doesn’t work for me.

I’m able to connect to mine. Have you closed/reopened your app?

Tablo is running in my home at the moment… 8:43AM EST.

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I dont think its a kick back… or they pay license fee for the recording feature and custom commercials for the channel.

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Just to clarify, my legacy Tablo is working fine but the link still says “no Tablo device found on your Network”

The link you referred to is for Gen 4 devises only.


OK, thanks for the confirmation.

I’m so glad I returned my Gen 4 device. Legacy Tablo works great.

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Hi everyone, this issue should now be resolved. See this post for more information.

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It sounds like the apps/servers need more detailed error messages. Simply saying Tablo not found it way too broad. It could be a local issue, a server issue, an app issue. There should be more detail, like unable to contact server, server cannot contact Tablo, etc…


Still broken at 8am PST in Oregon. Gen 4 is going back in the box for return. What a shame.

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Confirmed again… 11:26am EST, Tablo works at my home… Gen4 2 tuner.

4th Generation Tablo stop working on all TV’s looks like a Tablo network problem. Can not authenticate on any TV or iPhone app.
Switch back to Legacy Tablo and works fine.

Tablo has no live customer support? This is no way to operate a service company. Tablo please fix and update community!


Same here in Austin, TX; followed all trouble shooting steps, rebooted Tablo, rebooted network router, removed app, reloaded app. Still got “No Tablo Found.” Finally received a message saying: for my protection, I need to refresh my authentication, but that failed too. Nuts!


Seems like an outage. I wish I knew about this forum before resetting my device. Someone said that it’s still going to record, even during a server outage.

Same here. I’ve done everything. . . rebooted my router, reset the Tablo which makes you loose everything you saved, , checked my wi-fi. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the TABLO app on my TVs. Nothing. It keeps telling me no Tablo found and asks me to register the Tablo all over again. First time I tried that it worked for a day or two, Now nothing!!! This all started when they switched their software. I thought I’d like the new design that clearly shows upcoming recordings, but not if it is not working.


The gen 4 should still record OTA channels. FAST channels who knows. But I’ve never had the case where the OTA recording started while tablo servers are down.