Tablo Server Outage - September 8, 2024

@TabloTV @TabloCEO @TabloForumAdmin @TabloSupport

TBH, I can handle the outage. I’m not a live TV viewer. What pisses me off about a product I use nearly daily and have put so much energy in defending … is that you post your messages to your Facebook page and not your own forum. This is really low and indefensible. You had dozens of users coming her looking for the answer to their problem and instead of letting US know, you let your Facebook group know. I’m ashamed at your behavior.

TabloTV has a lot to work on, and de-prioritizing network dependency is one of the most important. However… as as I see it, this should be the second highest of your priorities. Taking care of your customers should be your first. Users come here looking for help and you neglected every one of us.

I hope you realize how much damage this has done to your name. Take a few minutes and count the number of new users that signed on for the first time to see what happened. NONE of them were given the comfort they need by a company they should be able to trust.


Yep, I did the reset, network Tablo, rebooted both my Android phone and Roku.

I was just watching Redzone on NFL+ Premium, and periodically checking the Android App. I seem to finally be able to access my Tablo ( 4th gen, 4 tuner ) after about 4 hours of outage.

They really need to do better at this, there is no reason that I shouldn’t be able to access a device I own on my LAN. It did record the content, never mind that I watched it elsewhere.


This my last post on this subject. Using the term DEI has different implications for you and me.

The system is up for me now (both Roku Ultra and Android),

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So I understand if they need data to subsidize the hardware costs, development, and maintenance…but they need to make it log locally and just require periodic server connections. An outage say during the Super Bowl, Olympics, or Presidential debate just is not going to cut it. Allow local hardware to work locally and get your data log later on next connect.

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I was also amazed that so many angry users stepped up in such a short time, and how many of them were first time posters.

Tablo didn’t act today in a way to build their brand.

We have friends and family who would love to have a device like Tablo. But I can’t recommend it to them without a ton of caveats. I don’t want them to be disappointed and angry at me, nor do I want frequent calls to come over and fix it.


The problem is that I have had such a horrible time with the Tablo app crashing back to the Roku Home Screen that I probably won’t be able to tell when the servers are actually working again. Hopefully they take the time to fix the whole system.

With the ridiculous cost of cable I recently cut cable and installed a Tablo in my home as well as one for my father yesterday. I’ve recommended it to anyone interested in dropping cable now that so much content is fractured into streaming services. My uncle and brother were also going to have me install similar antenna/Tablo systems. Well, today we were all sitting around watching the Steelers…until we weren’t. Unfortunately because of my home layout I can’t simply run my roof mounted antenna to my TV. I can understand server outages causing data issues when retrieving channel info or tracking/starting recordings that aren’t already logged. However, for an outage to prevent the system from allowing me to simply access “Channel 45.1” in real time and just act as a relay between antenna and TV is wildly poor design. I LOVE the concept of this device (so has anyone I’ve explained it to), but this is a product-breaking design. One of the best features is that I can mount a high quality antenna at a spot that is advantageous and use my WiFi to bridge the gap. This server-dependent design nullifies of the products best features. Sad to see such bad design. As an aside, my TV that was already watching prior to the outage was working fine for hours after it began, that was until I reset my Tablo to get my second TV to work, so clearly the system CAN work even with server outages. Tablo, please fix this ASAP so I can go back to recommending and installing your product to friends and family. Thanks.


With the ridiculous cost of cable I recently cut cable and installed a Tablo in my home as well as one for my father yesterday. I’ve recommended it to anyone interested in dropping cable now that so much content is fractured into streaming services. My uncle and brother were also going to have me install similar antenna/Tablo systems. Well, today we were all until we were all sitting around watching the Steelers…until we weren’t. Unfortunately because of my home layout I can’t simply run my roof mounted antenna to my TV. I can understand server outages causing data issues when retrieving channel info or tracking/starting recordings that aren’t already logged. However, for n outage to prevent the system from allowing me to simply access “Channel 45.1” in real time and just act as a relay between antenna and TV is wildly poor design. I LOVE the concept of this device (so has anyone I’ve explained it to), but this is a product-breaking design. One of the best features is that I can mount a high quality antenna at a spot that is advantageous and use my WiFi to bridge the gap. This server-dependent design nullifies of the products best features. Sad to see such bad design. As an aside, my TV that was already watching prior to the outage was working fine for hours after it began, that was until I reset my Tablo to get my second TV to work, so clearly the system CAN work even with server outages. Tablo, please fix this ASAP so I can go back to recommending and installing your product to friends and family. Thanks Tablo Team.


Is this only for Gen 4 devices? My legacy Tablo is working fine but using the link says No Tablo device found on your network.

Sorry, but I have no idea. It was a link TabloTV shared a long time ago. But, if your legacy device isn’t showing up, I would guess not?

I was seriously considering getting a gen4 quad. The outage today forces me to rethink my timing until they find a way to decouple us from being anchored to the server. I’ll buy the quad when they notify us that the server issue is fixed.

My legacy quad was not affected by the outage.


Bingo the legacy works. I wouldn’t be expecting a fix in the near future since this has been a problem since day one. But if you have non-critical recordings you could always pick a gen 4 on sale for those and still use the legacy.

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Additionally, I can understand from an economic standpoint the product is not profitable if not connected to the servers as streaming revenue is lost, and I can appreciate that. But in its current state essentially acts as a DRM for my local channels (everyone loves DRM). I think a happy medium might be instituting a local device initiated delayed lockout on the product if a user can’t (or doesn’t want to) connect to the servers. Have the device reach out to the server, and if authentication can’t occur, start a timeout timer to disable functionality on the device after 6, 12, or 24 hours. Not many users are going to want to have to manually reconnect a device everyday for it to work in order to bypass a constant server connection, but for the average user this prevents basic functionality failure in the event that Tablo’s infrastructure fails. Just an idea.

New owner (3 days). As others have mentioned, wish I checked here first. Foolishly deleted the phone App and now I’m in my 3rd hour of trying to download from Google Play. Guess I’ll keep the long coax handy. And the only thing I wanted was to clean up the wiring ! Heavy sigh …

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Well, support told me hours ago that they would be sending out an email to let us know when the server was back up.

I have been up for about 3 hours and am still waiting for the email telling me it is up.

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I tried the reset button, but fortunately didn’t wait 7 seconds! Good to know (not from Tablo!) that 7 seconds resets it! After a couple of hours everything finally started working again.

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I’m sure lots of newbies factory reset their devices today. I’m must admit that I learned the hard way a while back on that after having done it myself.

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A couple things. First and most importantly: Tablo, fix this. There is NO REASON this product should completely fail if your servers get overwhelmed. It can be completely local! Fix this. Second, the thing that worked for me when other things wouldn’t is to reset as directed–short push of reset button–kill all apps (iphone, ipad, Roku), then sign into the one app you want most. Whatever I used first worked; other subsequent apps did not.



After the 6 hour outage today, my Tablo v4 came up for a while, but just now after I watched one of my recordings, BAM, I couldn’t connect to my Tablo from any platform again. SHEESH!!!