(Resolved) Tablo Server Outage - September 8, 2024

Hi folks,

Over the weekend, users were unable to access the Tablo app. This was the result of a problem with our servers and has now been resolved.

We sincerely apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this may have caused and are investigating ways to be more responsive and avoid issues like this in the future.

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You need better error messages. When the gen 4 apps canā€™t reach the tablo servers the error message should say that. Your current error message misled some customers to factory reset their tablo.

Also, it would be nice if Scripps explained the business reason for contacting the servers. We know there is no technical reason because the legacy apps donā€™t. How does phoning home make money for Scripps?

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Well ā€¦ NO ā€¦ still ā€œNo Tablo Foundā€ at 8am PST in Oregon. Back to hard wiring and returning the Gen 4 today. A terrible waste of time and money.

I had to restart my onn. device to find tablo. After that all was good.

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I will admit, this has me a little concerned. I love my Tablo, but I made the assumption that if I had a local power outage (which happens in my area), I could simply fire up my generator and still have access to my local channels for emergency information and also entertainment. However, when we lose power we ALMOST ALWAYS also lose internet connectivity. Now I know that without internet my Tablo is useless. This should not be the case. I can understand not updating the guide, and losing the FAST channels, but local OTA and recordings should absolutely work WITHOUT internet. Again, I love my Tablo, but this is a serious design flaw that has to be fixed.

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As I mentioned in a post last night, my Tablo v4 came back up in the afternoon after the 6 hour+ outage, but went back down again before I went to bed. This morning it was still not working for me. I had to power cycle it and it appears to be working (for) now.

Thank you for the apologies, but a little more of an explanation other than ā€˜it was a problem with our serversā€™ would help my piece of mind using this ecosystem.

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The App is back and running in Phoenix.

For the second day in a row after the Sunday outage none of my client devices would connect to the Tablo v4. So I power cycled the Tablo, but only my Google TV and Fire TV platform connected. My Android smartphone and iOS would not connect. In fact, when I opened the iOS app it caused the Google TV and Fire TV to stop connecting. So, I uninstalled the Tablo TV app on my Android smartphone and iOS device, rebooted the Tablo again, and the Google TV and Fire TV started working again. Then after I logged back into the newly installed Android smartphone app, the Library tab would not connect at all. Then I logged back into the iOS app and it failed to connect at all, and again it killed my Google TV or Fire TV connections like it did before. Iā€™m deleting the iOS app until they update the iOS app, or do a new firmware update to the Tablo v4 that might hopefully clear up whatever is going on with my Tablo v4 since the Sunday fiasco. SHEESHā€¦

Update: The Google TV and Fire TV devices GUI keeps prompting the RETRY screen on the Live and Library tabs whenever I navigate back to them from other tabs.

Update 2: I re-added some channels that I removed on Sunday just around the same time as the outage happened, and it appears to have resolved the GUI ā€˜RETRYā€™ screen from coming up all the time, and now my Android smartphone Library tab is working again.

Update 3: I decided to give the iOS app another go, and WALLA, itā€™s working now too.

Very wired behavior to say the least.

Update 4: After I re-added those channels to get my Tablo v4 stable again, I removed those channels again, and everything seems to still be working. (duh). :roll_eyes: