I’ve had my Tablo about 25 days and am ready to pay for one of the subscriptions. Not anticipating hating Tablo any time soon, I am leaning towards the lifetime subscription. But I want to make sure it is MY lifetime and not the device’s lifetime like those morons over at TIVO pull on their customers.
I’ve seen comments about it being tied to your “account” but since everyone has their own words for everything and their own ways of weaseling out of providing good customer service these days. I want to make 100 percent sure that If I swap, change, sell old, buy new or add or subtract or even throw away my Tablo, only to buy another 5 years later… that I will still have my lifetime subscription and it will apply to all my Tablos, old or new.
Sorry for being paranoid… I’m actually not. I’m just annoyed with 95 percent of the companies I deal with these days. I’m tired of being bitten by crappy customer service.
That’s what attracted me to Tablo… they don’t appear to be this way and I want to be sure before I toss down $150.00 in a few days.
Thanks all, and thanks Tablo!
The old, tired, grumpy and tired of being shafted guy.
@Kickthefog yes to your id not to the device, which means you could get multiple Tablo’s and you do not have to pay each time like those Tivo guys (I was one)
I currently have 2 Tablo’s and paid one lifetime subscription fee, which I think is more than fair. Tivo really makes a lot of money off of guide data IMHO
@Kickthefog - It means the lifetime of the company TABLO not the device. My first tablo lasted 4 months before failure so I am glad it isn’t attached to the actual device, though who knows how long the company will last so my “lifetime” bet still could prove to be a bad one!
I honestly hadn’t thought of them going south before I do. I guess if they last at least 3 years, I’ll break even.
I hope they do. Although truthfully If I had not been reading amazon reviews for other OTA DVR’s I never would have heard of or known of Tablo. I’m very pleased with them so far. I hope the word spreads.
@kickthefog - We try to be as fair as possible so any Tablo you have now or in the future will be covered by your subscription. You’ll just have to add the new unit IDs within the subscription portal.
And FYI - we have no intentions of going anywhere :)
@kickthefog - We try to be as fair as possible so any Tablo you have now or in the future will be covered by your subscription. You'll just have to add the new unit IDs within the subscription portal.
And FYI - we have no intentions of going anywhere :)
I’ll soon be another of those lifetime subscribers. It’s a bargain, not necessary as I’m SO used to manually setting up recordings - I have had VCRs and DVD recorders longer than I can recall, but when I get home to find that my wife has already recorded individual shows, a series of shows and all without me even showing her the screen to do so, well…
And if Tablo DOEs go anywhere, I have a funny feeling there will be a lynch mob following them to the Cayman islands or whatever dragging them back into Canada and sitting them back at their desks.
We try to be as fair as possible so any Tablo you have now or in the future will be covered by your subscription. You'll just have to add the new unit IDs within the subscription portal.
And FYI - we have no intentions of going anywhere :)
@TabloTV - Can I install a second Tablo TV in another location (vacation home) using my Lifetime Subscription?
@kickthefog - We try to be as fair as possible so any Tablo you have now or in the future will be covered by your subscription. You'll just have to add the new unit IDs within the subscription portal.
And FYI - we have no intentions of going anywhere :)
Thank you very much. As I said, I’m very pleased so far and I like your companies attitude and your product!
i’m happy that tablo confirmed that the subscription is tied to the account and not the device and that all devices i buy in the future will be covered. i purchased the lifetime myself after my 30 day trial. but i wonder if this model is sustainable for the company. i for one would not like it if the company went out of business on account of people abusing the system. i’m not advocating that tablo should only allow one tablo per subscription, but unlimited is extreme. there will be people who will abuse this. what’s to prevent someone from making money from offering to add their tablos to his account for a small amount of $20. this is just one scenario. there are certainly others if you think hard enough.
because i would really like tablo to be a viable competitor to tivo, i don’t think that it should be unlimited. i believe that 5 active tablos should be a very reasonable number tied to one account. and i say “active” to allow for hardware failure. in this case, a failed tablo can be taken off the account, making room for another newly purchased tablo.
again, the reason i’m saying what i’m saying is that i don’t want customers to create a situation that will put a company we all want to stay in business, out of business.
@rem736 - If you read the fine print, we do cap it at 10 units. This should more than cover any kind of personal or light commercial use. After that we’d work it out with whoever decided they really need 100 Tablo boxes.
So you don’t have to worry that we’ll go out of business because someone decided to buy a raft of Tablos and connect them all to a single subscription.
Holy cow - 10 quads, record 40 channels at once? I barely keep up with the TV that’s live and a few recordings here and there. In fact I recently found a box of DVD-RWs of shows we’d recorded in 2012 and 2013 we forgot about, a couple hundred episodes of shows - some long gone. I found some older Smallville that I need to catch up on, too. Can’t imagine more than 1 quad for us, maybe due to UPGRADE or a second home if I win the lottery… but this quad will handle my two shop TVs and our 3 house TVs unless the 5 cats decide they want to watch the nature channel while we’re watching other stuff.
I’ve got something like 5 days left, I had better get to buying that lifetime subscription.