A Message from the CEO Re: Subscription Account Changes

I don’t see damage control making a company so great suddenly. Just days ago, in Updates on Cloud DVR & Automatic Commercial Skip, Changes to TV Guide Subscription Accounts comments were made:

Anyone who thought that a small company like Nuvyyo could always only charge $150 dollars for a lifetime subscription covering multiple devices, new devices, and their replacements plus new features on all devices has been hitting the pipe too much.

Suggesting the company leaders made a bad decision up front - and it should have been obvious to someone running a major business.

All the facts have been posted in the blog and on FB.

We debated it a lot internally, but if we wanted to start rolling out new paid services it just wasn’t possible with the current account structure.

This wasn’t an “o crap we made a mistake” moment. They clearly spelled out the fact that they’re changing what they already sold to existing owners, they even gave a nice animated GIF as an example of how it’ll affect existing owners.

Another quote “facts” from the company, time was spent making this decision. They knew what they were doing to users as it was well thought out… not a mistaken oversight.

Classic Bait and Switch.

That’s a fair argument. So legally it might not be a bait and switch (IANAL); but ethically it just shows that they can’t stand behind their promises.

It has been suggested they use unfair or deceitful practices and may be willing to make unethical business decisions. Backtracking is just looking for another way to polish their methods… but does it change their policies or models?

I don’t think it’s fair to change the terms/conditions

A couple days ago someone fusses “it’s not fair”, you get your way and now it’s a magnanimous company again? Nuvyyo certainly got their money’s worth for damage control and public relations services.