Could someone clarify this for me, are multiple devices per subscription limited to lifetime subscriptions? Seems to be implied in most of the posts and comments. I don’t recall it being time to your billing method.
With the pages changing it’s difficult to to fine specific mention that I had to have a lifetime subscription for multiple devices. I seem to recall it was an option regardless how often I paid - as long as I stay current ( yearly or monthly if not lifetime)
No where in any official communications have I seen that this is limited to lifetime subscriptions, just active subscriptions.
However, given the events of the last few days I can understand you wanting a direct answer to your specific question for the sake of clarity. I’m sure @TabloSupport can jump in Monday and provide some clarity.
That’s why I’ve made the decision to honor the original promise we made to our customers with an active subscription created prior to March 7, 2019.
“Like before, these customers can continue to add multiple new DVR units to their active subscriptions at no additional cost.”
Most people don’t nickel and dime a subscription when a lifetime subscription payoff in 2 1/2 years to 3 years. And who knows what happens if a user wants to convert/upgrade a subscription.
I may not be inclusive to your “most people” demographic. Clarification, isn’t a subscription the same regardless of payment frequency? So if I change from monthly to annually, is this considered an upgraded or converted subscription? If I decide to just pay for lifetime… other than no more payments. The tables showing what I get with a subscription only shows with and with out… nothing about tiers based on payments.
The statement:
Leads me to believe it’s a subscription regardless how it’s paid for - is this true?
Like @Nilex said, my best bet would be since you had an active subscription prior to March 7, 2019 you can add multiple units to your subscription even if it’s paid monthly or annually.
If you switch to a lifetime subscription I would think you’d be grandfathered too because your are changing an active subscription which started before March 7, 2019 from monthly to lifetime.
You seemed concerned about all the “lifetime” talk in the various postings.
That’s probably because many if not most of the users that post to the forum have lifetime subscription. Not only is it cheaper in the long run but it’s less of a hassle when it comes to the possibility of the subscription accidentally expiring.
Your avoidance tactics extremely subtle… You seldom stay on topic but just enough to keep things alive.
Yes, I am concerned about all the “lifetime” talk… that’s what prompted the question of this topic.
The number of user posting having a lifetime doesn’t mean it’s necessary for multiple devices does it?
Cheaper in the long run - first you have to define the length of your run, and decide if price alone is how you define cost and just how much you can afford to determine cheapness.
Monthly subscription expires each month, annual subscription expires each year - no accident. It’s automatically charged to an account.
I’m actually concerned if I can, if needed, add multiple devices to my subscription if it’s not a lifetime type?
Sorry to revive an old thread. I just recently joined Tablo. And before my trial ended I was happy with the service so I went ahead and purchase the lifetime subscription. Primarily because I recalled reading in this forum that “the subscription goes with the user, not the device.”
I was only able to get the two tuner Dual Lite at the local Best Buy. And in the couple weeks I’ve had it I have already run into several recording conflicts. So I have a Quad in my cart on Amazon. But now I’m reading that I’m going to have to purchase another Lifetime subscription to add the Quad? Is that right? That certainly doesn’t make this as appealing as what I thought was going to happen by “the subscription goes with the user, not the device.”
Tablo Support will switch the subscription to the new device, if you’re going to get rid of the Dual Lite. If you want to keep both, then you’ll need another subscription.
Actually, I think you can do it yourself on the account portal.
@pmblount There’s a button that says ‘REPLACE’ that will let you move your subscription from one Tablo to another. You’ll need to wait till you have the new Tablo to do it because you’ll need the serial number.
Thanks all. So I had thought I would “add” the Quad to my account for 6 combined tuners. As the above post linked to the Tablo description that’s what thought it meant. But it looks like my only option is to replace the Dual. Thus that ‘experimental’ purchase will now be wasted money.
Yes, if you search ebay and check [] completed listings you’ll see virtually all of them sold (of course below retail).
Another option, even without buying a subscription you could use it for excessive conflict resolution. Manual recordings are a PTIA compared to guide enabled, but not really if you really wanted to record that 5th show, or have a turner to spare for live streaming to another device.
Yes, none of these are truly ideal, but you’ll have to weight them out for your needs.
Personally I didn’t jump into a life subscription, did I really want to be tied to an analytical data collection contract? How long am I actually going to use this, or will it last? It’s not always about the price alone to spend a couple months before a lifetime commitment. But that’s my perspective.
You could use the DUAL LITE without an active subscription and use it primarily for Live TV and for the occasional recording when you run out of tuners on the QUAD. It’ll be cost effective and get you the solution you were hoping for.
I just wish Tablo would sell a five or six tuner. 99% of the time 4 tuners does the trick but every once in a while I get a conflict. It’s vary rare but it does happen. I imagine it’s more of an issue for those that utilize the option of streaming outside the home. I do that very rarely but as I understand that’s an extra tuner being used.