Why didn't my show record?

Doesn’t seem to have worked for me. I just unscheduled BBT and then scheduled it again. Still nothing in my recordings list.

I have had a ticket open on this subject for almost a week. Still no solution. I purchased and set up this unit almost 3 weeks ago. So far it has been totally worthless.

They did have me set up several manual recordings yesterday, and it actually recorded the first one, but not the 2nd or 3rd. Nor did it record the shows that I had hoped to see the premieres of, Castle and NCIS LA.

Still waiting for a response to the exercise of yesterday.

As a side note, does the Tablo box run warm to hot?

Warm, I would not say hot.

Been there done that. Recording still remain a luck of the draw for me at least.

Yeah I am having the same issues. The new seasons are pretty much starting and my tablo won’t record. Empire starts tomorrow and I don’t think it’s going to work. Every since the latest update I’ve been having these issues. I’m recording manually and now I notice that I have to type in the name of the show I’m recording in order to record.

Yeah, it’s happening to me me again big time.
Neither show I scheduled for tonight recorded even though they both showed the orange flag in the guide to record.

The firmware update is going to have to make the recordings visible (even if it doesn’t have a good metadata to describe the recordings–or it’s going to have to delete them. Without one of those two, the space will be lost.

@TabloTV Will you provide a way to reclaim these space?

Tonight (9/22/2015), I scheduled recording Fresh Of The Boat (30.1), Limitless (4.1), Muppets (30.1), and The Voice (5.1). They all recorded successfully and are visible in the “Recordings” view. I have been unplugging my Tablo every morning to restart it. I doubt that has any real effect on it’s recording, but it can’t hurt.

I’m thinking they didn’t mean it would cause the missed recordings to re-appear. I think they meant that it might reset the schedule database or something and future shows will record and/or show up like expected.

I went through this morning and turned off and back on all my scheduled recordings.

Monday night Penn & Teller-Fool Us did not record and last night The Muppets and Fresh off the Boat did not record.

We’ll see if what I did fixes it. I have 2 shows set to record tonight.

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Last week I had only 4 shows scheduled, 1 of them didn’t record. Sunday I have un-scheduled and re-scheduled all of my scheduled recordings from the TV shows section of my Android phone. I had 2 shows Sunday, 8 shows Monday and 2 shows yesterday, all of them have recorded. Maybe it is a good solution? or I am just lucky? I will see how thing are going for the rest of the week.

I am wondering if the show did record for you guys but is just not showing up. Do you see drive space being taken up that is way more than the shows you have? This may be easier to answer for someone like me since I watch and delete so I have very few shows, but I am just wondering.

My missing show did record, I just can’t see it with any of the regular streamer (roku1,3, Android tablet or phone, Widow pc and ipod).

I also had (for reasons unknown) my TABLO decided to record several shows (mostly CBS) on an alternate and far weaker/lower quality station then my stronger and better 1080i local station… I “fixed” the problem by removing the offending more distant channel from my tablo but when I did that I noticed the tablo didnt reschedule the show recordings that had previously been scheduled to record on the further weaker station, toggling the recording settings from none back again to my desired setting record all new episodes forced the tablo to reschedule them…

Last night both shows I had scheduled recorded. This is after I cancelled and re-added all of my recordings yesterday morning.

We’ll see what happens tonight.

All my shows (Goldburgs, The Middle, Modern Family) recorded last night (9/23/2015)

Update to my previous. Last night I went into my recordings via ROKU3 to see if my news recorded. It did. Here is the weird part, the past recordings that I said did not record…they were there too. Log into my TABLO via Google and guess what…no recordings. So they are there, sometimes?

Anyone have this issue? It’s the news so I am not to upset, but I do record it daily for a reason. I would be very upset if it were say, Big Bang or something more important…:smile:

Total freak time. Last week’s Amazing Race Canada now shows up in the recordings after this week’s episode recorded.

My Tablo is so new that I can tell all the missing shows ARE on my hard drive, just not appearing on the recordings screen. And like ^luker, a few, but not all, have magically appeared along with subsequent recordings of the same show. Daily, some show(s) record but don’t appear. Unless maybe later…they do.

We think we’ve tracked down the source of this issue and have a potential fix. Those shows are likely there, we just need to get them out of recording purgatory.

Stay tuned for an update on a fix!