Tablo Tools - Bulk Export/Delete on Win/Mac/Linux

Yup, I just pulled whatever possibly relevant server info I could and threw it against the screen - wifi was part of that (there’s more I might do, too).

I didn’t originally put the “action” buttons in Shows because of space, I believe (not wanting 2 rows). I haven’t looked at that section in a while, so I’ll put it on the list.

And I’m more than open to suggestions or requests!

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The v0.1.10 betas have some things that may both help and hurt your situation if you’d like to give the most recent one a try.

help - pagination was added, so far fewer recordings are/can be displayed at once. This should drastically improve the experience in the Browse section no matter what. (beta2)

hurt - a maybe here. Manually recorded programs were added in beta1. I suspect they may look like your recordings-without-files which could cause absolutely everything to be displayed (is that what it was doing anyway?). And maybe slightly slower rebuild times. The pagination will help a lot regardless!

As I’d mentioned before, if you want to send a copy of your recordings using those steps, I might be able to clean things up a bit more.

I just tried the final v0.1.10 and my initial tests were successful but… I changed my number of items per page to all which worked (there was a minor issue with the display of the number of items drop down) and then I closed application and relaunched and when I clicked on the Browse button the application froze. I’m not sure if that is tied to the number of items per page set to all or if a simple relaunch would have resulted in the same behavior. I’m also not sure if my system already reported the issue to you or if you need me to send you anything to help identify the issue.

I can reproduce that and am working on the fix. In the meantime, if you delete the config directory it should start up just fine. Just don’t do that again until I fix it :slight_smile:
If you’re on Windows, that’s C:\Users<you>\AppData\Roaming\tablo-tools (Roaming could be Local)

Great - thanks. Where is the config stored on Linux?
Update: It’s working again, I found the config directory based on a previous post from @djk44883

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It’s in ~/.config/tablo-tools .

A version with the fix in place is building now and should be ready in the next 20 - 30 minutes.

Half an hour, two hours … v0.1.11 fixes that issue.

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Looks great so far!

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I’m trying to run TabloTools-0.1.11.AppImage on a Linux Debian 8 system.
I get the error message:

/tmp/.mount_TabloTG1yXEJ/tablo-tools: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /tmp/.mount_TabloTG1yXEJ/tablo-tools)
[3337:0429/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I’m aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_TabloTG1yXEJ/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
Trace/breakpoint trap

I’ve checked for the “” library and it’s symlinked to “”.
I’m running linux kernel 3.16.0-5-amd64.

Any ideas on how to get this application to run on my system?
Let me know if you need any additional info.

That’s a new one. It looks like the easy way is to run it as TabloTools-0.1.11.AppImage --no-sandbox - either modifying your menu/desktop shortcut, script, or manually running it that way. I found that and some other possible workarounds here:

If that sounds gross, have you tried the .deb? I know some are using it and it works - it doesn’t do automatic updates, but I have added stuff into the app that will notify you when updates are available.

Just to note. Jessie is oldoldstsble although I do believe tablo-tools is pretty much self contained (kind of custom chrome). Lots has changed since 8 :frowning:

I run it under Bullseye issue free… well other than what everyone else runs into :grin:
[edit I use the straight up .deb distribution, it doesn’t tell me there’s an update, but github sends email notices, but that’s not integral]

I just installed Tablo Tools following the instructions for a Mac running macOS Mojave. When I try to export it visually looks like it happened immediately, even saying sometimes that it exported in 00:00:00, but there’s nothing except some empty season folders in my ~/TabloRecordings folder. Is this an issue anyone has had?

This is a known issue. Unfortunately, I don’t have a mac to develop on and trying to fix this requires that :frowning:

@avah12, the Windows version had a similar issue, here’s a possible workaround - when the export is done don’t click close/ok. Look in the destination directory and copy/move the file if it’s there. The bug in the Windows version (now fixed) would delete the file as soon as you clicked ok after the export finished.

Is there anyone else out there that might have a Mac and can debug the Mac version?? I am on a MacBook Pro running Mojave Mac OSX 10.14.6. Tablo Tools finds my Tablo (a dual tuner unit) just fine, sees the recordings - all 200 of them, then when attempting to download it creates a new folder in the proper location, with the correct show name, but never even starts downloading - get the spinning circle and no file exprted. *****Hey TABLO ENGINEERS ***** - get this software and finish it up so it works for ALL users … obviously it seems that there is a HUGE INTEREST. I have a Doobie Brothers show and the Woodstock Documentary that I urgently want to get onto my laptop hard drive. PLEASE PLEASE :)))))

A couple weeks ago I added a feature to notify about new versions. Then I broke it, which is why I’m posting. It should be fixed now.

v0.1.12 is out now. Here’s the change list for it:

FIX: Autoupdating (win/lin) was broken since 0.1.5
FIX: New Version notification - “randomly” broken since 0.1.5
ADD: New Overview Sections - Lots of Recording Stats in the form pretty, sometimes clickable graphs
ADD: Export Dialog modifications

  • Put a warning in for Mac users
  • Show export file/path and whether it already exists

And since everyone loves pretty (even if silly) pictures…

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Is the “phone home” feature a user option?

Not currently, but I can make it an option to turn off new version notifications in a future version. To be clear, it’s not doing anything more than downloading a text file.

Love the new graphs :slight_smile: They are not ‘silly’ - very useful!

How can I help you get the Mac version operational?
Can you send me some stuff to test on my Mac.
Really like to get this going :slight_smile:

Do you have any development experience? That would be extremely helpful, if not required. If you’re willing to peek down the rabbit hole, the first step would be to follow the Development > Setup instructions. Theoretically they’ll “just work” (hahaha). If you get to trying to run yarn dev and it opens the app, we have a starting point.

If you try and have questions, it’ll be best to continue chatting about it via pms. No guarantees I’ll be able to do this remotely…