I’m not getting a 502 on my status page, but it is showing it hasn’t been seen for over an hour (zulu time).
lastSeen 2024-09-08T16:57:03.980712Z
I’m not getting a 502 on my status page, but it is showing it hasn’t been seen for over an hour (zulu time).
lastSeen 2024-09-08T16:57:03.980712Z
It’s down for me now as well. This is my first day of owning a Tablo; I bought the 4th gen. And this isn’t a great first impression. Are these server issues frequent??
They happen a lot less than they used to. This is the first one I’ve seen in a really long time.
Down here as well. Very frustrating that their servers being down means I cannot watch broadcast television. Feels like they are missing the point of why I wanted an over the air solution. Right during football!
Tablo: on a Sunday this time of year you do NOT want to strand the football fans
You always record important games you want to watch. that way if something barfs you can still watch the full game.
Totally agree that a local tuner, connected to a local antenna, depends on their system(s) being available and accessable over the internet.
thank you for answering my question
I have been fooling around for two hours trying to get my tablo quad to be recognized. I’ve rebooted everything but the refrigerator! Nothing has brought it back to life. After going into this forum, I find out the Tablo Servers are down. Don’t you think there should be some method Tablo has to notify the users when this happens?
WTH @TabloForumAdmin @TabloSupport @TabloCEO
Tablo will not load and I want to watch the US Open.
Try this link…
I am having the same problem. My Tablo Android app says “Unknown Error”. I have rebooted my Roku Ultra and my 2chan 4th gen Tablo. Looks like a server problem (again).
Same problem. Also, when I try to launch the Tablo app on my iPhone & iPad— it fails to log into even view my Profile. So seems more like a server issue than a device issue.
Also - I tried factory resetting my Tablo and am not able to perform setup yet.
I am trying to watch some football, which was my entire point for this.
It is failing on both Android and Roku.
Same issue here sounds like a tablo issue
Having the same problem, and unable to watch NFL or US Open today. Rebooted Roku, Tablo reset and power reset, LG app not working either. Android app shows “Unknown Error”, and “No Agents Available” on the help line. Come on Tablo, how about posting a message if you’re having a network problem? At least let everyone know what’s going on. This is the first major issue I’ve had since I got it a few months ago, and my first impression of Tablo’s customer support - nonexistent so far.
Just started getting this-android and roku- worked fine this morning then just won’t work. Tried all the troubleshooting short of losing all recordings (hard reset I think it’s called).
My tablo took a crap during the football game, now i cant get it back up. Any issues tgat anyone knows of? Of, course, tech is unavaliable