Tablo Server Outage - September 8, 2024

It isn’t just you. They seem to be having tons of issues today. There are multiple threads over the last 3 hours on the outage. The Tablo folks need to get it together.

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Are you kidding me? At least in the past, I believe, they allowed you to leave a message. What kind of customer support is this?

I have 2 Tablo 4th Generation, running on Roku, Apple TV and iPhone. I can’t get any of them to work. Impossible for me to try and go into all of the things I have tried (including rebooting several times) and all of the various error messages that I am getting.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why I bought a 2nd Tablo when I already knew how unstable they are.


I just called Tablo support too and got the same message and click…

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They’re probably watching football.


Just got through to Tablo support and they said wait an hour or two and retry…

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I just signed up for Tablo TODAY. Not a good way for me to start a new service. It was working fine this morning, now nothing.

Why does the Tablo need to connect to their servers for me even to connect to my own unit? I understand needing internet access for firmware updates and scheduling updates, but come on, A server down on THEIR end should NOT prohibit me to connect to a Tablo on my OWN network.

Guess I’ll be sending it back.


Certainly not on a Tablo.

I just got it a week ago, for watching football. Happy I kept the packaging.

That was my thought too. There is nothing on their end that should impact the local device on my network. It is like the notion of asynchronous IO has yet to be grasped.


So is there a problem with their servers?

Some of the multiple error messages I have been getting all day. Oh, how I miss my Tivo.

P.S. I have rebooted both devices (Yes, I insanely purchased 2). several times.


Forget asynchronous IO.
How about just remove a dependency → connection to their servers?


Yup. That’s what I’m getting.

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@TabloTV @TabloForumAdmin @TabloEngineering @TabloSupport @HDMIBeta

This is another example where you need to have a outage page. One of the worse times to have an outage is this time of year, where the NFL games are broadcasted along with an event like the US Open for Tennis. If you provided a status page, customers could check the outage page, confirm the outage and you could provide an ETA when you are back up.

Please respond so your customer base knows 1.) there is an outage and 2.) that you are working on it and 3.) you provide an ETA when service has resumed. This would help with the frustration demonstrated with this latest incident.

Is there some means of announcing maintenance outages? Went nuts on September 8 trying to figure out what was wrong with my home network.

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Absolutely! And some honesty about how the server issue affected local household use would have been nice … and saved people hours of local troubleshooting. Doesn’t matter to me now because my Tablo Gen 4 is on the way to UPS for return.


Out again on September 9, 2024

Just checked mine, powered up in seconds. Works fine. Using an ONN 4k Pro.

Thanks for the reply. I just checked and mine is back up again. The only other time it has done this was yesterday.

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Same message - it sucks

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Same thing here.

This is really ridiculous. 2 days in a row.


Seems like a pretty good response, yay: Tablo Server Outage - September 8, 2024 - Follow Up