Tablo Ripper - Automatically download new recordings

I did enable logging…nothing showed up as “error” Not sure if an error message is worded differently?

Did you make any other changes on the configuration tab, such as checking “Exclude series/episodes”?

If “Skip incomplete” is checked, is it possible that there is a problem with the other episodes?

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I unchecked “skip incomplete” just to be sure. made no other changes.

@3rdRockOKC has been suggesting the same things I normally would (thanks for the assist!). Let’s move this to a PM till we find a resolution for you. I’ll kick it off by messaging you in a moment.

OK, big surprise :slight_smile: user error. After successfully downloading the first two episodes through wi-fi, I switched to hard-wire. Problem was I was hard-wired through a secondary router that doesn’t communicate directly with my Tablo. Dummy me! Now hard-wired to same network as Tablo, and it works! Of course it does! :slight_smile: Thank you for the help!


I have tried a few different ffmpeg settings, but every one results in .mp4 format. Is there anyway to change the output file container. I know it is possible with ffmpeg, but I cannot seem to find a setting that will accomplish this within Tablo Ripper. Ideally, I would like it to output a direct copy .ts or .mkv.

Try appending

-f matroska

to your ffmpeg recipe and post processing with a .cmd script like:

ren %1 “%~n1.mkv”

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So, like this?

codec copy -strict -2 -c:a aac -threads 0 -f matroska

Yes, that will result in a MKV container (which will be filename.mp4).

Great, thank you, @EF5F8021.

I guess there is no setting that can be changed (other than script), to avoid the .mp4 extension?

The reason being; behind the scenes the application appends the ffmpeg recipe a fixed temporary output filename with .mp4 extension.

OK, here is an interesting one. It appears that PBS is airing Midsomer Murders episodes in 2 parts. However, the episodes show up in the Tablo as duplicates of the same episode, (i.e Midsomer Murders - s15e0425 - Schooled in Murder 2020-04-25 19:00:00, and M…M… - s15e0425 - Schooled… 2020-04-25 19:45:00.) Then, when I transfer the episodes, Tablo Ripper only transfers one copy, so only one part of the episode transferred. Is there anyway to convince TR to transfer both parts?

Have you tried checking the option to add the tablo id to the name yet?

Not yet. I was looking at the options in Settings.xml, just to see what there might be. I’ll try it and let you know.

Do I need to wait for another episode(s) to record, or just change the setting and try a transfer?

Answered my own question, I think…

It appears to have worked on my latest transfer.

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Now, can anyone suggest a batch file/command to run post transfer that will merge the 2 parts into one?

My ultimate goal would be to mass transfer all the Midsomer Murders episodes, then sort and merge the correct epsiodes. If that isn’t possible, I COULD, (rather not), transfer two–part 1 and part 2–at a time.

I’m sure that this can be done. However I do not have time now to work on a solution
If this issue is still pending I’ll try to work something up for your use.

Add: Ripping to MKV containers? Of course there will be that ~5 minutes of outro and intro beween set parts.

I was worried about that, but, at least the few I have checked, do not have the outro/intro between the episodes that are recorded back to back.

Does the guide actually show them as two 45 minute parts? I ask because the only time I’ve encountered an issue like that is when there was a signal problem and the Tablo re-booted as a result and picked up the recording again after booting up, resulting in multiple files for the same episode.

Have you considered setting a manual recording?