Use it everyday…Thanks
Your efforts redirected to something related to Tablo or Plex by chance? Inquiring minds want to know…
Actually, it’s been more than “Good enough” for me for a long time. Glad you won’t be dropping off.
I’ve just started getting a similar error, but mine is occurring when even trying to locate my Tablo - which I have checked - it’s online and all’s good there. I did do a reset on it for safe measure. I’ve uninstalled TR, restarted computer, re-installed. No luck. Everytime I try to access the Log File it stops responding, HELP!!! Thank you!!! I have a screenshot saved, but I’m new to the community, so I don’t think it’ll let me share. BUT, exact same 503: server unavailable error.
Error 503 means it can’t get there from here. Is TabloRipper running on the same local lan as your Tablo?
If you believe it is, then enable debugging on the configuration tab and hit the refresh button. Use the button to display your log file and copy/paste it into a private message to me. I’ll take a look.
Ha! I just left it open last night and this morning it is working fine!! Must have been some temporary fluke! THANK YOU!!
I just downloaded Tablo Ripper version 2.4.1. I previously had scripts to pull the Tablo “/pvr” directory and do searches of the meta.txt files to find recordings. I’m guessing that since Tablo released 2.2.11 that doesn’t work anymore? Anyway, Tablo Ripper seems to be working great. One question though, where are the log files? When I click on “Log File” nothing happens.
You’ll find all TabloRipper files here: C:\ProgramData\TabloRipper
Great program, simple effective interface, worked first time on Windows 10. Looks like you got some good options already.
***Can you save my Tablo’s IP address so that I can disconnect from the World Wide Web and still be able to get recordings off my LAN.
So far I have been able to do this, if I initialize the recording list with the Internet connected and then go offline, I can still select recording for transcode queue and hit start, it works. But I have to hit the Nuyyo Tablo Corporate server each time i open the program or back to that screen to populate the list of recordings.
Can you just save my last known Tablo IP and assume it will be on the LAN for the list of recordings.
Thanks so much, great program
Thanks for the kind words!
Have you tried the option (just below the Tablo list drop down box) to enter your IP address? Assuming you have a fixed IP (use your router to assign it by MAC), you can enter the IP once, and you’re done. No internet required.
Yeah missed that. That works. A little jumpy going into config tab it hangs on a network call but eventually gets in config tab. Good enough.
Now I can surface my nuclear submarine tablo a bunch of stuff and then drop the mast and serve up the content via ripped mp4s on a straight file server.
I know I seem to show up randomly with my own little issues, but your program has been pretty much set it and forget it, and it is too awesome to stop using.
Is there any way to add an option to have the resolution in the filename?Trying to get my DVR’d shows to play nice with Sonarr, and it keeps trying to replace them.
Sonarr labels all MP4 files as SD, unless the resolution is in the filename. This issue with Sonarr has been brought up before, and has been sitting unresolved for years. I unfortunately don’t know how feasible this request is and and I heard you were winding down your work on this project. Maybe add a setting to allow a custom string at the end of the filename?
In either case, thanks for all the hard work and a great program!
Having never used Sonarr, I’m not sure what it’s looking for in file names. But have you tried added a post-processing script to accomplish the task?
As far as I can tell, Sonarr is looking for
somewhere in the filename. I can run a script to append it to the filename, but I lose the ability to extract closed captions automatically. I have never been able to get CCExtractor to work with any scripts. So for now, I would rather have CC.
When I have more time, I’ll see if I can make a script work with CCExtractor.
I am by no means an expert with FFMPEG but I’m replying to an old part of the thread in relation to audio being copied by FFMPEG at 128 kb/s with Tablo Ripper.
The Tablo converts the original broadcast into a transport stream to whatever video settings are enabled in the Tablo settings but the Tablo converts the audio to 256 kb/s. Since it’s a transport stream on the Tablo, when Tablo Ripper uses FFMPEG to copy the video to a PC in an mp4 container, FFMPEG converts the audio. If you use a bitstream filter option in your command line, the audio will get copied at 256 kb/s (I’ll show an example further down) instead of having to be converted to an mp4 friendly format.
When I transferred a file using Tablo Ripper, my CPU usage was ranging from 36% to 48% but when I transferred the same file using my own command line, the CPU usage ranged from 21% to 30%. The command Tablo Ripper gives to FFMPEG is:
ffmpeg -i “/stream/pl.m3u8?Sm43bCyDOqM4dFQNco4Fsw” -c copy -strict -2 -c:a aac -threads 0 “file.mp4”
When I use my own batch file to run FFMPEG, I add a bitstream filter option to keep the audio at 256 kb/s. What this filter does is it “creates an MPEG-4 AudioSpecificConfig from an MPEG-2/4 ADTS header and removes the ADTS header” (source: My command line is:
ffmpeg -i “/stream/pl.m3u8?Sm43bCyDOqM4dFQNco4Fsw” -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc “file.mp4”
The only thing you would have to change in your command line is -c:a aac to -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc, all of your other values are fine (such as -threads 0 and -strict -2). In my example I used the -c copy instead -codec copy but you don’t have to change that either.
I saw in the thread that you offered to a community member to make it possible to modify these options but it might be simpler if you just added the -bsf command and re-compiled the program.
Although I use my own ffmpeg batch, I think your program is great and I hope this helps at all. If you do make that audio command modification, I might have to scrap my own method and switch to yours.
I encourage anyone wanting a different set of FFMPEG parameters to feel free to customize their installation.
Please refer to FAQ. How do I change the default FFMPEG options?
Thanks for that. An amusing thing though is I looked at the settings.xml file before composing my reply to this thread and I didn’t see the ffmpeg settings. I must have skipped right over them. Even after reading your reply, going to the F.A.Q. and reading that ffmpeg could be modified in the xml file, I still didn’t see these modifiable commands. Just as I was about to close the xml file, I happened upon the appropriate line.
I’ll modify it and see what happens.
Thanks for the info.
Uh… ideally it’s just a recontainerization. No change to audio or video.
(that’s what SurLaTablo does anyhow)
SurLaTablo is customizable and certainly you can force transcodes… but by default its just a “remux”. I would think that Tablo Ripper is similar. Let’s put it this way, it will take a long time to pull and transcode. The pull takes a bit, but afterwards it should take very little time for ffmpeg to remux.
(I don’t use Tablo Ripper… so I’ll just go back to what I was doing…)
Default values are intended to work well for “most people”. But some of us can’t help but tinker (@smilingjoker isn’t alone in that).
When you list titles in filter area, should names be all small cap?