Tablo Ripper - Automatically download new recordings

DHCP-assigned, and it is churning away on a few of the manually-selected recordings right no so it’s definitely connected to the Tablo. The service doesn’t appear to be working though.

Looks to me like it’s happening while loading the Tablo recordings.

If it’s working for any recordings, then you are talking to your Tablo. I’d suggest a support request to have them look at your recording list. You’ve got trash where there should be text.

Having trouble with Tablo Ripper since last tablo update

What kind of trouble?

Just seems to be locking up during ripping & when it does work it takes WAY long than I am used to. I guess your great software has spoiled me…lol

Haven’t seen 2.2.6 yet, but when I first updated to the 2.2.5 beta, I was convinced something was broken in the API. Several Tablo reboots later, along with waiting a while, and magically ripping was back to normal.

Haven’t had a problem since. So my advice is wait a while and reboot your Tablo. Not sure what the magic formula is, but once it’s working, you’ll know. It’ll look just like it used to!

ok i will try that!

I just got a Tablo earlier this week. Knowing this app existed was a huge factor in getting one. Thank you so much @CycleJ

I would gladly donate if there’s an option.


I get a Path Cannot be the empty string or all whitespace when trying to Start Selected

TabloRipper finds my Tablo and its recordings
I downloaded the latest static FFMPEG
But still get this error, same error message is in the verbose log

Just something to try… in specifying the path to your output folder, have you tried putting a backslash after Output?

I suspect @lkahhan is right. I recently opened up both path entries for manual input vs. selecting via folder dialog. I’ll take a look tomorrow why the missing backslash matters (it’s supposed to work either way), but that is the most likely explanation.

Same error even with the final back slash on output

Well, that’s good news. The trailing backslash doesn’t matter, and it shouldn’t.

So I must not be picking up anything from the metadata that I’d normally use to construct the file name.

Am I correct in assuming this is a manual recording?


I confess to never using manual recordings, so something must have gotten broken along the way. I’ll get it fixed tomorrow and let you know when it’s ready. Sorry about that.

I notice a lowercase “c” at the start of the output folder path, but probably not significant. You may have some spaces or other unseen characters in the path. I would completely delete the output folder path and carefully reenter it, or pick it up by reselecting the folder in the popup window.

Tablo isn’t showing any recordings in this screenshot. Have you actually recorded anything with the tablo yet? Have you tried to Install Service yet? Maybe install service and then stop service, then try to rip one selected recording using the start selected button. Just some ideas to try if you haven’t tried them yet.


I’ve tried both paths with/without a trailing backslash. That worked. I’ve tried ripping a manual recording. That worked too. So, I have a theory, and have uploaded a new version to test it out. The new version merely adds additional logging in the area we’re having this issue. With any luck, it’ll help isolate what’s happening.

But my theory is that the program is having a hard time creating either the output folder (does it already exists?, if so, that’s ok) or the ‘temp’ folder below the output folder. Could be a windows permission issue. A quick way to test that is to change the output folder to your user directory (e.g. c:\Users\XXXXX, where XXXX is your user ID).

Please download/install the latest version, and give it another try (with debugging enabled).

Let me know what happens.

I uploaded the latest update
Same issue, although the log shows its trying to create the output folder in a different one that the one I specified

Its trying to create in a directory called Movies
I have tried creating this dir in C:\ and in Program Files where the program is installed to no avail

Found the issue

If I type in the output directory it gets the error
if I use the browse button … to set the output directory it works

also I have noticed that the Foreground buttons do not get enabled
I have to wait a minute or so, before they get enabled