Tablo Apple TV App (4th Gen) Early Access Program

Thanks for your comments, bruh, but I don’t feel I am reaching. This company is not consumer friendly. No updates, no info and very little activity from them on this forum. Also, their return policy requires customers to jump thru hoops. All they have to do is just keep people informed. This app was supposed to be ready before some of the others. Their words not mine. Not one app, of theirs, has been released bug free and some are still present. No matter how long this app takes it will still come out with bugs. I just don’t think Tablo really knows what they are doing.

I think there’s “no pleasing everyone”, but I think that’s common across any vendor trying to support or run an active beta program, etc.

Some of us (ok, maybe just me), could foresee the difficulties in the new Gen 4 “style” with regards to end client device support (radically different design choices made). For us (me?), I’m not surprised with the time it’s taking.

Did they “over promise”? Mainly because people were equating “old Tablo company” with “new Tablo company” not realizing that they are completely different, including the engineering of the underlying product device. AFAIK, Tablo corrected some of the more “damaging” early marketing mistakes pretty quickly on Gen 4 wise. However, if you’re in that camp, not sure what to say. It would of only been the very very first Gen 4 recipients. Ideally, for those, you’d hope they’d be all “dealt with”, including full refunds, where applicable.

Victims of a brand transfer. Personally, I would have re-branded, at least at the device level.


I have 4 apple TVs and have just purchased a 4th Gen Tablo. All devices are hardwired to a switch on the same network. I’m ready to roll with the 4th Gen App testing… since the Legacy App doesn’t allow me to see any live TV on any of my sets. Please help soon!

The legacy app only works for the legacy Tablo.

Why would you buy a Tablo Gen4 while the app is still in beta and it says “coming soon” on the homepage?


Reading comprehension is not a prerequisite for buying a product - at least as long as retailers issue a refund when the buyer can’t figure out how to get it to work.

Ah. So I’ve officially met the resident trolls of the Tablo community thread. Yes. I’m stupid and illiterate. Thanks for the acknowledgement.

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I only suggested that what is on tablotv WEB wasn’t understood. Why else would one buy a product when the app you desire isn’t released yet. Why would you know about a beta test program yet not just apply to join the beta test team…


I wasn’t being a troll… but we have had a rush of people buying Gen4’s due to the “coming soon” label and getting upset that it hasn’t came yet (thats what she said :grin:). Or the Beta isnt done yet, but it’s beta.

It’s just a cycle of chaos.

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It is a valid question, and after experiencing this happening dozens of times a week, it’s unbelievable how often people will buy the Tablo without a way to watch it.

I’m sure you’ve signed up for the beta, but do you have other ways of using it on your TV? Roku/Firestick/Android device? Although the tvOS version is a bit different from the other apps, it would help you get accostomed to the general app layout.

You have to purchase a Gen 4 and provide the serial number in order to apply to be part of the beta test team. That what I did. If I’m not selected or the beta doesn’t work, I’ll be disappointed, but am willing to take the risk.

Understood. Was just hoping the out-of-the-box solution would work. If I have to be patient, so be it.

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iOS version of the app works great on my iPhone 13… but Airplay onl;y sends audio & a black screen. tvOS Legacy App sees the channel guide, but won’t provide a stream once a selection is made. Hoping the beta gets me over that hump… otherwise I’ll using coax.

That’s interesting. I’ve not heard that happening before. As long as you’ve filled out the form correctly, you should know in a week or so. They tend to add people about 2x a week.

However, I’m curious: How will coax help with your situation? The Tablo only has an input… you would need an android or roku app in order to use any of its features.

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iPhone 13 app and airplay works perfect for me. When the Roku app falters, I simply use my phone and AirPlay to watch on the television.

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If Tablo doesn’t work on the Apple TVs, I’ll connect all the coax that’s already been run through the house to an exterior antenna… with a signal booster or distribution amp inline. Was just hoping for the simple AppleTV solution rather than digging into the walls & attic. Football starts in a few weeks… so I need to get something working before the family stages a revolt over me cutting the cord.

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Your best bet is to just pick up a cheap STB. The $20 walmart onn 4k box works great. Yeah, it’ll be annoying to have an extra device around, but if you’re really serious about getting a properly working app/Tablo combination up and running… you’re not going to want to be fiddling around with a beta product.

Not only because backups are nice to have, but if you’ve been watching Tablo on your iPhone, you’ve noticed that you’re unable to start an in-progress recording from the beginning. This applies to other mobile apps as well. The Roku and Android (including FireTV devices) do not have this issue.

Just a suggestion to help ya out. Take it however you’d like.


Perfect example here dude:

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Part of this is, Tablo has been saying “coming soon” since before Thanksgiving last year. If they would have said it’s going to take a year of testing if not longer. they probably would have lost a lot of sales.

The solution should not be, buy something different so you can use this 1 app and sometime, who knows when probably well over a year it’s looking like, finally will release an official Apple app.

They really need to release this now if you ask me. There needs to be an official Apple app available after all these months, coming up on a year now. I been in Alpha and Betas a lot and they don’t run years, just don’t. You release a version 1.0, then do updates now and then to add/fix things. You don’t delay things years and try to get a 100% working app the first time.

This app works fine, I use it many hours a day, every day. About the only issue I ever notice is getting stuck moving in the guide.

I have read much of this discussion with great interest, and to be honest, it’s not surprising this discussion is happening, presumably under the watchful (and quiet) eyes of the Tablo folks. The reason there is this chatter is that - yes - eight or so months of beta testing is longer than one would expect. Apple, for instance, does annual beta testing on its major software version upgrades, and that lasts about three months or so. For an entire operating system on multiple platforms, not just one app.

It’s true that the company should be moving with a greater sense of urgency than they seem to be from the outside. “Coming soon” is a promise, albeit a vague one, and few people would interpret nearly a year as “soon” when it comes to a product like this. But it’s also true that the latest beta that is out, and which I try to use daily, still has some glaring issues that simply do not exist on the other platforms for which Tablo has released an official app so far. I personally would not feel comfortable releasing a product publicly that has the issues that I see on a daily basis, as that would definitely be harmful to the brand. So they are in an unenviable position where they are being squeezed by two different and countervailing realities – a beta that is still very buggy and a promise to their customers that increasingly appears unfulfilled.

Somewhere along the way, I think there was a serious error of judgment on the part of management in terms of estimating the development manpower needed to complete this project. Whether they will manage to recover from that remains to be seen.

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IDK how long they’ve been working on it behind the scenes, but it’s hard to believe that we’ve had 6 months of beta testing under our belts. I can only imagine the nightmare it’s been trying to work around Apple’s inability to play MPEG-2 content.

I think that while each version brings with it great updates and adds to it new features or bug fixes, there are a lot of things beyond their control.

While I think that for many users the beta version is “adequate enough”… there are many who would be tearing their hair out. I look at the LG and Samsung releases to prove this point.

I also wish that people weren’t so skittish about signing up for the beta. And if/when they do… READ THE FIRST POST so you actually know what is already an issue! ^_~