New Merchant Name of MGDS

Did Tablo change the name of their Merchant to MGDS? In the past, the monthly charge for Tablo showed up as 4.99 and .05 from Tablo Tv sub on about the 20th. This month I have a charge for the same amounts but from MGDS on the 20th.

I asked my bank for more info but they didn’t know who it was so as a precaution they blocked my card. Just making sure it’s Tablo so I can use my debit card again.

There was an error that caused March statement details to show as MGDS Kanata. We apologize if this was unclear.

All statements moving forward will show as Tablo *MGDS if you’re on the monthly plan. And Tablo *YGDS if you have an annual plan.

First there’s an announced “downtime” maintenance Tablo Server - Planned Maintenance - March 7 Early AM, for maybe 30min but probably 2hrs. Couple posts extending the time until 10:43 when it’s over Tablo Server - Planned Maintenance - March 7 - #5 by TabloTV. Five hours which for some/many their device may become useless…

During this time your Tablo won’t be able to:

  • Download firmware updates
  • Perform TV Guide Data updates
  • Connect to the web app at
  • Connect using remote access (Tablo Connect)
  • And if your apps are unable to discover your Tablo on the local network, connection to your Tablo will fail as the server is used as a backup discovery mechanism



Of course there’s the CEO’s indecision about how to handle the subscription modifications, presumably what initiated the planned maintenance.
Next time couldn’t your marketing team extent the announcement to warn users to plan on other issues! Announce possible struggles before we have to discover the failures on our own.

Certainly who ever planned the project, deciding it was a good-idea, found it more than just a learning experience.

Are you saying they should expect the unexpected?
I don’t think they planned on any of the above issues occurring, so, what should they have announced ahead of time?

I have a lifetime subscription so didn’t know about this but I get the frustration. I’m particularly sensitive to charges from services I’m not familiar with as the result of having my identity stolen a couple of years ago.

If it was known there would be a month of something without Tablo in name of the charge I totally a heads up would have been appropriate.

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Cord-cutting, video streaming, and OTA DVRs is a multi-billion dollar business! I would think any company competing with giants would have alternative plans… for unexpected issues. I would hope announcements would be made before someone asks “what happened to my…” and they reply with, “yea, some users might have this problem…” And have some fix in place so users don’t have to fix the screw-up they created.

I would like to know my credit card is going to show a different charge (same charge, different name) - don’t be alarmed. So I don’t have to track it down myself, monitoring for misuse.

The giants don’t have alternative plans for unexpected issues.

A company that doesn’t understand the risk, with a business plan “don’t worry about it, I just know it will work” Most likely isn’t a multi-billion dollar corporation.
Then again I’m not a business mogul either, so what do I really know. Sorry for any misunderstandings, although I am still a disgruntled customer.

No worries.