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Conspiracy Theory - Firmware R 2.2.28

Since Premium Service aka Commercial Skip subtle comment have been make along the lines - this is just the beginning, they’ll start charging for other things, “nickel and dimming” us for everything.

What if they wanted to charge for tech support past the free 30 days for guide service, or the one year warranty period? It’s unimaginable how many tablos became damaged with this new update. Obviously they have different versions, some improve devices, some that wreck havoc on devices.

These are just a handful of excerpts - there are many more reports of tablos no longer functioning or not as well as it did before… Just like that :pow: update tablo - no more tablo.

Why virtually all tablos update and work as designed yet some have issues? It appears there is no doubt all their problems are due to updating to the new firmware!

How much longer can they afford the provide free support for devices several years old? Unless this is backwards designed obsolesce? Sometime ago corporations discovered if your products last too long, it’ll be too long until you get your customer back.

Just have some sense there’s something going on here…