Flickering/split screen issue

So far so good, hopefully WTVS is done tweaking their configuration after adding that 5th channel.

Thatā€™s great news!

Same flickering and split screen issue in Albuquerque started (noticed) last night 05/02/2021 and is continuing today. Only affecting one channel, KOB-4, the local NBC affiliateā€¦ please look into this, thanks.

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Hey @Martin_Vaughan - Weā€™re aware of the issue and have contacted the station several times. Still waiting to hear back :frowning:

Iā€™m having the same issue with KOB in Albuquerque. It started last week some time. I appreciate you guys jumping on this so quickly and it makes me really mad that you havenā€™t gotten much (or any?) help from the station. Would it help if we called and bugged them about it? Do you have the appropriate contact info?

It has in the past with other channels who havenā€™t been willing to assist. Just make sure to be respectful. Sometimes the local staff needs to call in engineering assistance to get this type of thing resolved.

Theyā€™ve got a contact form and phone number on their website:

Done. I was respectful and pleaded with them to work with Tablo to fix it ASAP because if my wife misses another episode of This Is Us sheā€™s going to go ballistic!

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Hopefully we can all work together to keep you out of the dog house :slight_smile:

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Better hurry! :laughing:

Iā€™ve sent three separate email messages to ask for a coordinated resolution, none of which have been answered (so time to call). KOB is owed by Hubbard Broadcasting, if no response soon, perhaps contact corporate:

Hubbard Broadcasting
3415 University Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55114

Main Line: (651) 642-4100

FWIW - someone from KOB called the support line this afternoon since so many of you had complained. Weā€™re working to connect them with our engineering staff so hopefully weā€™ll see a resolution soon.

Just received this email from KOBā€¦ ok Tablo, the ball is back in your court nowā€¦ letā€™s get the appropriate knowledge base connectedā€¦! I added the GM email below, no excuse now.

Hi Martin,
We have literally spent hours on hold with Tablo, ultimately only getting an email box to send our questions.
We are aware there is an issue, and working very hard to understand what is happening with the Tablo device so that you can see us again.

Please know we are working on it!
Thanks for the heads up.

Michelle Donaldson
General Manager, KOB

I had a little back and forth with the General Manager at KOB this afternoon after sending them a message on their website:

Hi Nick,

We have literally spent hours on hold with Tablo, ultimately only getting an email box to send our questions.
We are aware there is an issue, and working very hard to understand what is happening with the Tablo device so that you can see us again.

Please know we are working on it!
Thanks for the heads up.

Michelle Donaldson
General Manager, KOB

Thank you for getting back to me, Michelle. I really appreciate it. I have been in contact with a support specialist at Tablo about the issue and theyā€™ve been very responsive. Is there anything I can do to help the process? Having them contact someone specific at KOB, perhaps? Iā€™m happy to do anything I can.

Thanks again,

Nick del Castillo

Our chief engineer has been desperate to talk to someone there.
Perhaps if they have a name and number, instead of the general support line?
After waiting for hours on hold, they just gave him an email address. Very frustrating.

Sure is nice of you to offer an assist!


Iā€™m not sure I believe her regarding their attempts to contact Tablo support, but if you want to post that contact info here or send me a private message with it Iā€™ll be more than happy to pass it along. Thanks!

Thatā€™s disappointing to see.

Over the last few months, weā€™ve sent quite a few unanswered emails to the broadcaster containing all of the technical details necessary to resolve this issue. Until now, we havenā€™t heard back.
As of yesterday, we received our first call from them during an afternoon where our average on-hold time was 6 minutes.

Our front-line support team took their information, and it has been passed to our engineering team who plan to contact them today to reiterate the same technical information that hopefully will help them solve this issue.

Weā€™ve just heard back from KOB in Albuquerque , and theyā€™re reporting theyā€™ve made the changes necessary to resolve the issue. Can any of you in the area confirm this? If you already have an ongoing stream for this channel, try rebooting your Tablo and tuning in again.

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I just watched 15 minutes of The Kelly Clarkson Show (that was painful) and it was completely flicker-free! Hopefully it will stay that way. Thanks so much for your responsiveness to fixing this, I really appreciate it! And my wife will, too! Just so you know, I expect KOB was to blame for the delay here. Iā€™ve contacted them about other issues and they have been extremely slow to respond, if they do at all. I feel your pain. Thanks again!


Appears to be back to normal at my home as well, thank-you for resolving this issue.

Just an outsider observation, if various stations are doing some sort of work/modification/upgrade etc., across the country as this thread implies; and ā€œnormalā€ household TVā€™s receiving OTA signals are not affected, seems as though TABLO should work to adjust their firmware/hardware devices so they are not affected by such changes?

Iā€™m not a broadcast technician, however it would be logical to expect the TABLO device to be compatible with these types of network changes since the ā€œnormalā€ TV receiver has no issue.

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I donā€™t know that I have the same expectation as a ā€œnormalā€ TV receiver isnā€™t doing real-time transcoding of an MPEG2 stream.

Interestingā€¦ I wonder if TiVo, DirecTV, Sling, or Dish equipment observed the same issueā€¦?

None of which transcode while receiving.