Maybe a better analogy than “the squeaky wheel” would be the “catch more flies with honey” analogy.
I have found that I get better results by discussing and understanding an issue or problem with someone than brow-beating or bitching to them about it.
I’ve had my Tablo going on 6 years now. I figure that in this period of time, I would have spent $10K-$14K for cable or satellite services. While the Tablo my not be the “gold standard” as some expect it to be, I figure I’m still way ahead of the game.
Seems that you misinterpreted what I was saying.
I was saying that there are other (and better) alternatives to using cable/satellite.
I also never said that I was a cable/satellite subscriber.
I “cut the cord” quite a few years ago and I’ve never looked back (especially with various steaming options).
…but I’ve had better experiences prior to the Tablo.
Even one that had no subscription fees at all!
A “biggie” is an understatement!
Yet Tablo seems to have has no intention of resolving it!
It occurs if you disconnect a Tablo drive (that’s all or mostly full), connect a new drive (to start making fresh recordings) and then decide to reconnect the previous drive futuristically (to watch previous recordings).
Far from being out of the realm of reality.
The Tablo (in it’s infinite wisdom) re-formats the previous drive and in turn, deletes all of those recordings!
It chooses to not recognize the previous drive (even though they were married previously)!
Sheer genius, isn’t it??
This has never occurred with any other DVR (at least in my experience).
There’s no logical reason why it can’t simply recognize that it’s a Tablo drive and that it doesn’t require (redundant) formatting!
The only option (other than some convoluted method of perhaps accessing the drive on a computer) is to purchase another Tablo and maintain “matched pairs” (Tablo and drive).
How’s that for ridiculous??
Was told that they were “working on it” two years ago (and several times afterward).
It’s obviously never even been on their radar!
That’s funny!..“a host of bad things can happen”.
Sounds like a visit to a haunted house!
No “host” of bad things. One bad thing.
The deletion of your entire previous drive!
…and the database is deleted once there’s the next nightly maintenance! there’s no “as long as” (since it can’t be avoided)!
Your recordings are toast (should you ever want to access them on the Tablo)!
…but don’t be scared, boys and girls.
They’re "working on it"
You are the one of the most dangerous types of users. You aren’t just trolling, there IS some validity to some of the shortcomings you post about, I’ve even directly said that.
However, your mostly negative approach to the product is not a constructive discussion, it’s just repeating the same things over and over. Even your username reflects your general attitude toward the product.
It’s not so much WHAT you are saying, it’s HOW you continue to say it. If you are so displeased with the product, move to something else.