I and many others hope you are right but, we have heard the exact same story a few times here. Don’t believe your credible source. We had one guy that was sworn to secrecy because his source so was so close to tablo people actually working on the Apple App it would be out before Christmas. Didn’t Happen.
Actually it is not just the Apple TV app they have not developed. It is all the missing apps that they keep saying will be coming soon. I wonder if they even plan on continuing development on any more apps then presently exist. Apple TV is the most important to me but I am afraid it may never occur. It would be nice if a Tablo rep actually chimed in with almost any update instead of silence.
I am a beta tester (not a Tablo employee or contractor, just a normal guy). That’s all I can say (NDA).
Yes and I Hope your right in your assessment. You can’t believe how much I hope your right.
Also I appreciate all your doing to get the app right for us. I know it’s alot of checks and repeat checks.
Thank you for making sure it’s right.
I am so tired of waiting for this app. I really regret this purchase. If Tablo would just communicate with their customers with almost any kind of an update to let us know when it will be available. Not just this platform but all the other missing ones. I am using a firestick on one tv as a stop gap for the time being but I have 4 Apple TV’s I would like to use for this device.
I and many here are in the same boat. Funny but, I also have 4 Apple tv’s.
Only have 2 Apple TV’s here, but using Chromecast 4K and Roku with the new Tablo at this point. And have Youtube TV so that I can use the Apple TV’s. Only for so long, though, not going to pay the extra $30/month forever, just so I can use my Apple TV’s. I’ll be going to the HDhomerun before too long, and back to Sling…the $30 a month saved will pay for the HDhomerun in a few months.
I’m in the same boat as everyone else. In the past I’ve had Roku’s or Fires, but moved to AppleTV mainly for consistency, Apple Music and Facetime. Any purchase of a workaround would be temporary and it’s frustrating that NOTHING that Tablo insinuates is supported actually works. My LG and Samsung TVs are 2-3 years old and not supported. I wish I could just use a browser, but that is also unsupported. An olive branch of a beta or estimated release date would save me from tossing this thing in the recycling bin.
What you meant to say was that nothing that is “coming soon” has been released yet. All the apps that do exist actually work.
Yes, the main site “Compatible Smart Devices” : shows:
Roku: Yes
firetv: Yes
androidtv: Yes
GoogleTV: Yes
iPhone & iPad: Yes
Android: Yes
AppleTV: Coming Soon
Samsung: Coming Soon
LG WebOS: Coming Soon
Visio: Coming Soon
I believe the Gen4 came out in Sept 2023, so it hasn’t been forever but I’m past the return policy date and quite frustrated. I sometimes wonder if there is pressure from Roku or Amazon to keep AppleTV away.
I’m just stating that the the FAQ’s still show:
When will the Apple TV and Smart TV ( Samsung, LG, and Vizio) apps be available?
We’re hoping to launch the Apple TV and smart TV applications as soon as possible. We do not currently have a date we can share, but Apple TV will be the first to launch later this fall.
We missed fall and only have 45 days left in winter… (Although Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, meaning an early spring )
I can certainly understand the frustration. I have never seen the Tablo devs struggle so much to release an app like they have with the AppleTv app. So many times over the last 6 months it appeared a beta was happening shortly, and then it was postponed.
This has nothing to do with Roku or Amazon. I can’t imagine they care at all about the Tablo app market share, since it is still a pretty minor app on their platforms. The problem is very likely getting MPEG2 working or trying to solve an issue because of whatever MPEG2 tool they are using (like this issues with watching a recording in process on mobile apps).
I just hope they start the beta soon. The constant delays erode confidence that it can even be done.
I am starting to have doubt’s it will ever be done.
Really discouraged as well. I wrongly believed that since legacy devices already had an Apple TV app, the devs had the experience to make quick work of getting an app for the gen4. Oh well. If you have more than one Apple TV in your house or Apple TV is your primary streaming device, I would hold off on purchasing.
The legacy HDMI model did not have support for AppleTV since it used MPEG2. The 4th gen units are much more like the HDMI model. Now the HDMI Tablos did not support mobile apps, while the 4th gen does (with only one limitation - watching a live event while recording it), so it appears to be possible to make MPEG2 work on AppleTv, though I have no idea how it will be done.
Why would Apple want to be Tablo friendly?
Why wouldn’t it?
It just offers alternative entertainment that isn’t theirs…
Apple has been “Tablo friendly” for ages. Works fantastic with my Legacy Tablo. The services are complimentary, not conflicting. You aren’t going to find OTA content on Apple TV, so no conflict. If anyone would be conflicted, it would be Google as it’s YouTube TV would conflict with the local channels they can charge a lot for on their service but is free over the air to Tablo users.