Yet Another For the list - suddenly "Recording failed due to weak signal."

I do take some of that into account. Late night/early morning I can get signals for “other directions” or lower power that I can get during the day. Late as night, it’s not a time to have an issue with a channel that works all day long.

I understand as for receptions, “a channel” includes all sub-channels as they are all broadcast -compressed- on the same frequency. It’s not like there’s a different frequency for 13.1 and 13.4 they use multiplexing and stuff.

I have wireless internet (not cellular). Currently it’s WiMAX, they also have LTE and LTE cell towers. When I had an LTE signal, with issues, the techs were here, claiming they’re tying to get updates… something about new AT&T tower/signal. So yes, there are also the “unseen” variables

Ok, yes, time of year. I’ve never noticed it with TV. I can’t confirm this, I believe about the time of the equinoxes, position of the Sun, impacts the quality of my signal for my internet. I have issues with speeds for a couple weeks yearly it seems. But this could be coincidental, and I haven’t actually kept track. Yes “the Sun” impacts RF signals.

I’ve rarely have “weak signal” issues… Other users are not bringing up similar issues while, others are not but can’t overlook the parallels with – NEW - Tablo Firmware Release 2.2.28

There are also a number of smaller enhancements that will improve performance for those who have channels with marginal or problematic reception

Well, when it did reboot, I had “segmented” recordings, now I get 0. (not that the reboot issue was acceptable, nor did I really have that problem)

Yup, just add me to the list of “suddenly I have reception problems” …after 22 months.

[edit] actually these recording were on tablo2 which I bout a year after tablo1, so I guess it’s only been in service just less than a year. I have scheduled the same on both tablo’s for testing