What about guide data for legacy tablo?

A couple years ago I upgraded from a Legacy Tablo to a Tablo Quad. My lifetime guide data transferred to the Tablo Quad and I put the Legacy Tablo into the closet as a backup.

Now I want to install the Legacy Tablo at my mother-in-law’s. How do I handle the guide data? I don’t think the lifetime subscriptions anymore. Would I need to pay monthly? Or would it be cheaper to just buy a new TabloTV with included guide data?

If you moved to a 4th generation Quad, the guide data is included (it’s free) and there is no transfer. Any lifetime subscription you bought for a legacy device should still be available on that device. Have you tried connecting it back to the internet to verify that it’s pulling in the guide information?

I believe the quad (pictured below) I upgraded to is still considered a legacy model.
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Gotcha. Both of your systems are Legacy then. For the older unit that you’re pulling out of the closet, I believe the only option would be to pay the monthly guide fee (I think the article below discussed legacy guide data options. Several were sunset, but monthly is still available I believe). If you instead choose to buy a new 4th gen device for your mother-in-law, the guide data is free with the cost of the unit (that is Tablo’s new business model with the 4th gen devices)

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That is what I was thinking, but wanted to confirm. I think I would be better off in the long run to just purchase a new 4th Gen model.

Thank you for your help!

It depends on when you purchased your lifetime subscription. If you purchased the subscription before March 7, 2019, then it would apply to both of your legacy Tablos. If it was purchased on or after that date, then you would need to purchase a monthly subscription to the second Tablo.

See the following topic for more details.

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Thank you. I am sure they tried to make this simple to understand, but I am still confused. I have a lifetime subscription from prior to 2019. I thought it was only good for the one Tablo DVR. Is this saying I can use that same subscription for both of these legacy devices?

Yes, originally one subscription was good for all of the Tablos you owned. That all changed on March 7, 2019.

You will have to call Tablo Support and have them manually add your 2 tuner to your existing account. They may refuse because they haven’t worked for the company long enough to know about this feature, but insist that you have a grandfathered account and that they can add your 2 tuner to your account. If they insist that they can’t do it, ask for a supervisor. Good luck!

Thank you, 3rd Rock. I will give it a try. :wink: