UPDATE BELOW - Tablo Firmware Beta Sign Up

I have the 2.2.9 beta firmware but I am unable to access the beta area of the forums. Please help.

@gg4rest - Fixed!

I never received the beta firmware for the past 15 days and tried to power cycle last night to have a new firmware check initiate, but still on 2.2.8. Is there a way to see if my tablo is identified correctly for beta or 2.2.10 release?

@Vikinge - Did you enter your info into the sign up sheet above?

Well I’m all signed up if you’re still accepting Beta padawans.

If you’re interested in participating in an upcoming beta for a highly anticipated app (wink, wink, nudge nudge) and you’re NOT already a Tablo beta tester (i.e. you haven’t filled this form out), you may wish to sign up over the next few days.

Said upcoming beta will only be available for a limited number of Tablo beta team members.


I’ve submitted my application, bring it (please) :slight_smile:

Also, I got the last four digits of my mac address from the Tablo iPhone app, are those correct?

I’ve been beta testing the firmware builds. Filled out the form anyway.


That’s not required. If you tested 2.2.9, then you’re already set for step 1.

I figured. Just wanted to make sure I was on the list. Test Flight is installed and waiting.

Thank you! I’m excited.

“Said upcoming beta will only be available for a limited number of Tablo beta team members.”

You talkin’ to me…YOU TALKIN’ to me…OF COURSE I’M READY!!!

I hope I’m in this said select group of beta team members!!

Just signed up hope i am in.

Wink wink nudge nudge… :wink:

@TabloTV - when is the beta for apple tv released ? I have signed up but have not heard back from anyone…

@Reg1982 - There’ll be a 2nd sign up sheet for that posted within the beta group. We’ll be getting that organized in the next few days. Stay tuned.

@TabloTV I can’t see the beta groupe? Will I be added?