Uneccesary internet mandate

I buy the product, generates one-time profit for the hardware. The subscriptions are sourced from Gracenote. Though I’m sure there’s some revenue, much probably goes for all the copyrighted graphics I get and for the service it’s self. But to maintain the server to keep all our all-ready-paid-for devices working, comes for somewhere.

Boilerplate, that’s what lawyers do. If their servers go down for a week because of a DDOS attack they don’t want to be liable. I’m sure that in the event something happens they will do their best to notify us. That is assuming you gave them a way to contact you. You didn’t have to unless you subscribed. They also don’t want the onus of contacting you on them if you didn’t give them proper contact info or keep it up to date.

You can access at least some of the logs on your Tablo. I don’t see much on usage history but I’m still exploring. Logs about any given show seem to get erased when the show does. You could save it though if you like. If you’re crafty you can even log the back and fourth traffic to and from Tablo servers. It’s not going to be very interesting to most people though.

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I didn’t reference the part about downtime due to maintenance. I accept this is extreme “suspend or discontinue” as in final. Doubtful they’ll feel any obligation to tell any one they’re shutting down. It’s more realistic, with an innovative product, they’ll get consumed by a ginormous corporation (in the name of competition).

I quoted

Not sure of the validity here, it’s access the tablo device (and presumably, my mistake) system logs. When I telnet to the device I get a login prompt, but I never set a user name and password.

…sadly I’m not most people

Turns out tablo runs lighttpd a lightweight web-server. Given the device has an html server for WEB app and I connected it to my network - back to my original post, the internet, technically did it truly need to be mandated?

Basic function requires an internet connection. The “app” for the streaming devices are a form or type of WEB based app. As an android app, is primarily JS, HTML/XHTML and probably CSS. It’s the device’s “browser” which interprets and presents the content.

You got me wondering, Who get’s to define “evil purposes”? What we may find evil, other’s will tell you “it’s just business”.

We’ve got something in common here. I’ve spent hours looking through code and my hard drive dumps. I haven’t wire sharked anything yet. It’s funny you mention telnet because that was in my list of things to do.

Here’s what I get

OOO8      8O8               N       N7$$$N                                  
$ZZZN     $Z$               ZD     N7$$$D                                   
$Z$ZZN    ZZZ  N           O$8    N7$$$D                                    
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$Z$NZZZN  ZZ$NZ$$    $ZZ  7$$7  N7$$$Z  ZZN   $ZDZ$N   $$88$Z$8$$Z8         
$ZZ N$ZZ  ZZ$NZZZ    $ZZ  7$$7  $$$$7   Z$$  $$$ 7Z$  $$$DZZN   NZZN        
$ZZ  N$Z$N$$$NZZ$    $ZZ  $$$$ D$$$$D    $$  7ZD  ZZ  $Z8$ZZ     Z$7        
$ZZ  ND$ZZZZ$NZZZ    $ZZ  Z$$$D$$$$O     D$ZDZ$ N 8$ZDZ$ $Z$   NN$Z$        
$ZZ    NZZ$Z$DZZZ    $$Z  8$$$Z$$$$       7ZZZN    $Z$ZN  ZZ$   $$7         
$ZZ     NZ$$$ $ZZ$ZZZ$ZZ  D$$$$$$$N       DZ$$     NZZZ  N O$Z$Z$8          
DD8      NO8O  O$ZZ8NZZZ  N$$$$$$O        NZ$      DZZ                      
                           $$$$$$N      $ZZZ$    Z$Z$$                      
                           D7$$$8       $$$N     $Z$N                       
Welcome to Slipstream
gii login: 

Let me know if you get in. The drive is formatted ext4, leads to suspect it may be bulit on linux kernal at minimal have some open source code. I used curl to view the http headers and found it uses lighttpd. It is open source, licensed under the revised BSD license. Which reads in part

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Where’s any copyright or license, for any open source they may use. If you have an android device - built on the linux kernal - buried under Settings > about > Leagal (may vary by vendor) you should find the GPL and various licenses and copyright notices. I haven’t even been asked to accept an EULA! There aren’t any links to any of these in the tablo web app.