Is anyone else having trouble with MeTV in the New York area? I am in southern Connecticut and had no trouble with it until about two weeks ago. Now I can’t get MeTV or any of the others in the same subgroup.
43.1 Story
43.2 MeTV+
43.3 MeTV
43.4 MeToons
43.8 Retro
I get nothing, not even a weak signal. The same is true if I connect the antenna directly to the TV, which it usually much more tolerant of weak signals. It is like the station shut down, or re-aimed their broadcast towers.
The station had an issue a week or two ago and was operating at reduced power for a couple of days. It came back for me though and I’m noticing any issue now
Thank you for reaching out to us about your issues when trying to watch WZME 43. Unfortunately, there was an issue with our transmission antenna at the top of the Empire State Building that began in mid-January. As a result, we were operating at reduced power. As of the early morning hours of February 5, the issue has been corrected. If you are unable to receive WZME 43, we suggest that you perform a rescan of your antenna, even if you have already done so in the past. Please let us know if you continue to have any issues.
As I have done some research I found that they are broadcasting on Low VHF (very few stations do anymore). Most antennas are UHF and High VHF, mine included. I may have just been lucky that I was getting it at all before. I may make a modification to my antenna to improve Low VHF reception.
Yeah that’s right, it’s not a VHF channel. I think you might be thinking of the other station that broadcasts MeTV on a very low channel VHF. I can almost never pick it up.
I’m pretty sure that they do broadcast on Low VHF 3, but that is not their main tower. Their main tower is part of the group at the top of the Empire State Building. That is where I am picking them up and it is transmitting on channel 21 (UHF).
I checked when I got home, and sure enough, it is working once again. Also, I had some further correspondence with MeTV and they told me that they will have a significant power increase this summer.
VhF channels really suck if you’re not that close to the tower. That also fluctuate with time of day and other conditions. For example, yesterday I couldn’t properly get channel 7 abc and channel 11 wpix both on rf 7 until late afternoon. Same goes for 13 PBS on rf 12. Atsc 1.0 8vsb modulation kinda sucks. This is where atsc3 excels, but drm now .
“WZME/WEDW is once again operating at full power. As you can imagine, getting a climbing crew to climb to the top of the tower at the Empire State Building is tough on a winter night when our only climbing window is from 11:50p-4:45a. The WZME/WEDW antenna is just below the top flashing beacon. Winds and or extremely cold temperatures caused us to delay night after night. We initially went up the evening of 1/22, but it was so cold that they could only do a visual observation. The issue was with a gas stop just before the input to the antenna. Unlike another station in town, we did have a notification on our website and later this morning, our system will email a status update to every viewer who filled out a complaint form on our website. ;)”