Trouble with MeTV in Greater New York area

I’m in brooklyn, 11226, and I get guide data for both channels… no idea how accurate it is, the ones that overlap appear to show the same schedule, the ones that don’t… shrug

Thanks, can you post a screen shot of your guide on those channels?

hrm. maybe…

Thank you for that. I’ll put your zip code into gracenote and see what it says. Currently I’m not able to input a zip code into tablo that isn’t within a certain radius from my home location.

That is what I am seeing in my guide, too. Your guide looks quite a bit different from mine. Are you running a Legacy Tablo?

indeed, an old beastie. screenshot from a browser, looks a lot different on, say, the roku

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So bad news, tablo only lets you change location on the phone and it uses location info. It won’t let me pick a zip that is over a certain distance so I can’t try the Brooklyn zip. Honestly, the guide inaccuracies for my zip and surrounding ones are my biggest issue with Tablo.

OK, I too am having a guide issue. I have tried my zip code, NYC (10012) and Newark (07101) and all the 43.x channels are not labeled properly. How can we bring these issues up to Tablo to update?

Try 06601

No bueno