Tablo Tools - Bulk Export/Delete on Win/Mac/Linux

Jesse, thank you for making this. I’m on a Mac and was trying desperately to save a show for my kids. The other options out there were brutal to understand and I never got them to work. There are some bugs in this build but I figured out how to export my show and I’m a happy guy. Thank again.


My pleasure and great to hear! Feel free to post issues/wonkiness you see so I can try to address them.

Save default naming template

I click the “pencil in the square” and change it.

Only option appears to be [ X ] to cancel, or just move on and make use of it. No save and accept.

All seems good as it’s there while exporting… until next time :gasp: again!? Or what am I missing? I have to enter a default template every time? Or create a new one [ + ] and call it “the real default” (I haven’t created a new one, maybe there is a save option and you just can’t change the one you get.

Oddly, closing tablo-tools on the naming setting page, an it opening from where you were, gives me this -

Click General, back to naming and it’s all back… my work it lost

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There should be an green icon (right next to the X cancel square) with a floppy disk in it to Save your edits. Could be running on a different system (I’m Win10), or sometimes not everything loads up perfectly - I have had on occasion to quit the program and restart to get everything to load up and display correctly. I doubt that’s the program coding as opposed to the underlying codebase execution. If you repeatedly don’t get the Save icon then there is something specific to your system I’d guess Jesse will have to look at.

I certainly didn’t clearly document how I made this work.

  • You can’t edit/remove the default built-in template (name=Tablo Tools, slug=tablo-tools) on purpose. Something needs to work.
  • The edit button for the built-in templates is available to see what they look like and consistency
  • If you want to change the default format in use, create and save a new one.

Once saved, it should look like this. That checkmark makes your custom template the default.
Use by default

Additionally, those custom templates are available to select and use/modify when editing individual recordings being exported.

Even for the default, provided template? It seems very unlikely this would be “system” specific - like naming conventions on different system, it"s an icon to save settings. but maybe it got lost.

Now that might related to the system or platform you’re running it on. Had some issues with the first few release versions, running on Debian Bullseye 11 it open, populates the screen and provides some function. Most of the “quirks” are due to alpha, beta or focus on adding new function – never had to restart just to get it to work right, is recent versions.

I just put out v0.2.3-beta.1. Saved searches should work correctly now and I fixed a bunch of other stuff.

I’ve got all these green checks
image “Commercial Skip Ready” in the bubble tip.

But I don’t really have any -

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v0.2.3-beta.2 is now available for your perusal. The big thing here are the Export Controls to specify how to handle existing files: filename + incrementing number, add the object_id (then overwrite), overwrite, skip.

This should be the last 0.2.3 beta…

I just published the full 0.2.3 release with Saved Searches working in a useful manner and Export Controls to handle existing files it runs into. And a ton more smaller changes/bug fixes than I realized until I wrote up those release notes.

The next big thing should be CLI exports/deletes.

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Export controls - excellent, I was going to ask about that.

I was able to export one show, but then my next click (on Movies) caused the window to go blank white. On relaunch, the UI flashes briefly and then goes blank white. Mac Console says,

It’s OS X 10.11.6, which is admittedly quite old, but the prior v0.2.2 worked fine. Any suggestions?

Oof. Until I find that error and put out a fixed version…

Option 1

We’ll remove the application data and start over. In the app, go to Settings -> Advanced. Find Your settings (all of this) are in. Click the little folder icon.

  • If you care about settings/saved searches/templates/export logs, copy these files somewhere safe:
    • export-log.db
    • saved-search.db
    • tablo_tools_config.json
    • template-naming.db

Close the app and delete everything in the directory (or that directory). Copy back those files. Open the app and things should be good.

Option 2

In Dev Tools on the Console tab (which you’ve found), there’s a blue > that you can type next to (the console). Paste in document.location.href and hit enter.

You should see some crazy looking string similar to this (the end is what matters):


Copy that with the mouse and Ctrl+C / Cmd+C to copy it (mouse won’t work) and paste it somewhere you can edit it (the console works).

Change movies/320724 (it will not be that number) to home so mine would be:


Go back to (or stay at( the Console and use that like this:

document.location.href = '<NEW STRING HERE>'

so mine is:
document.location.href = 'file:///tmp/.mount_TabloTVKZcsg/resources/app.asar/app.html#/home'
and then hit enter. You should be good.

And of course, it could happen again.

I’ll try to get a fixed version out soon.

This will be super awesomely amazing! I guess I should have realistic expectations. Tablo Tools is highly intuitive, but, as with common sense, not everyone thinks the same, maybe.

I’ creating some saved naming templates, to use with specific shows - show names.

Next I guess I want to create a saved search. I can’t search specifically for a show? “title or description contains” So I still have to actually check the list I’ve selected to make sure they are the show names I’m planning to export.

Once I have them selected in my cart, I want to apply a saved naming template. I can’t do that for an “export session” I have to go through each show and edit filename to select the template?

As a baseline for this, here’s what I wrote previously about my tentative plans for implementing cli exports.

You definitely can search for just a Show - it’s on the top right of the Search Filters:
Show search

Then, yes, you’d create a Saved Search (and grab that slug). You’ve already created a Naming Template you want to use (that has a slug). You can see I’m using “slugs” anytime a complex set of options have to be specified - that will continue as necessary. Now with Export Controls, you can choose how duplicates should be handled.

So, similar to what’s mentioned in that issue above and certainly with different binary/cli flag names in the end, I could run:
$ tablo-tools --saved-search abc-wnt --naming-template news-programs --export-control SKIP --delete-on-finish

That certainly doesn’t handle every case people have or are going to. Having the Export Logs can help by allowing historical judgments (eg, don’t export if I’ve exported before). Without loading the Guide, there’s no way to plan for Shows that haven’t happened.

As you can see, I made no mention of selecting Recordings into the cart since I’ve not thought of this in terms of scheduling exports of manually selected recordings. My best thought is to provide a one-off command for selected Recordings, like:
$ tablo-tools --ids 100412, 100421, 231324 --naming-template news-programs --export-control OVERWRITE

And I imagine folks will also show up with their individual one-off use cases which may help make the options broader.

Well, not exactly; I was reporting the output of the Mac OS Console app. But I do know how to View / Toggle Developer Tools.

In my case, document.location.href = 'file:///Applications/'

…but merely entering that didn’t change anything. Window remains blank white. I don’t know what the Electron equivalent of “reload” is.

I was of course unable to do this; the window was blank white. However, I did a systemwide find and discovered the ~/Library/Application Support/tablo-tools directory.

This did appear to work. Thanks!

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oohhh, that’s my first mistake. I saw the search text box and thought “that was it” as the obvious filters, well I didn’t pay attention to the small show = any. I’m a DingDong and wish to apologise for inconvenience for my misunderstanding.

Yes, I can follow that, it’s somewhat how I’ve anticipated things moving along, presuming there’s a switch/flag to update the DB somewhere. “name a show/search” “name it like this” optional arguments. Is that it overly simplified?

This, not scheduling, but bulk export. I use my saved search (now I understand how to select just a show) and want to use my saved naming template for the bulk export. Do I need to “temporarily” change my default?

switch/flag to update the DB somewhere. “name a show/search” “name it like this” optional arguments

I don’t know what this means. Will you explain how you would expect to use that or it to work?

This, not scheduling, but bulk export

I should have said running, not scheduling, as I generally meant running the cli version which is usually scheduled.

Anywho, just like in the gui version of the app, the default settings (Naming Template, Export Control, etc) will apply unless they are overridden each time the action (usually Exporting) is run. I think didn’t clearly show that the --naming-template and --export-control params were optional with my example.

v0.2.4 with some bug fixes is out now.

The only noticeable bug this fixes is with the Movie Details page. However, in doing that I learned how to add a general error page instead of the reported White Screen of Death (mostly) and believe an update to the error reporting client fixes source maps (again) so I can tell where errors are and fix them. Yay.

ok, sorry that was an over simplified generalization.

maybe start with something like

tablo-tools --updateDB [device]

Then an export (actually I presume it’s one command) There may need a device specification, if there are multiple tablo devices involved.

tablo-tools [--device=tablo1] --saved-search="NameOfShowExporting" --naming-template="SpecificTemplate" --delete-on-finish [ --export-control=increment ]

Back to the GUI, if/when I do bulk export - when I select shows (episodes) to export,

I want to apply a saved naming template to these, can I do “all at once”? Here’s there’s only 2, so clicking each isn’t a hassle, but several more can be a PITA. I think I’m making it complicated.