Tablo Server Slowdown/Outage Update - January 27, 2025

Hi folks -

During the late afternoon and through the evening yesterday (January 26th) Tablo’s back-end server infrastructure experienced a series of slowdowns and short outages.

This is despite the significant infrastructure work the team has undertaken over the past few months.

Server functionality has now returned to normal and the team was able to identify more areas for improvement while monitoring yesterday’s events.

Several smaller changes will be made today, with additional fixes aimed at improving server performance during peak viewing times rolling out before Super Bowl Sunday.

We have also been working on an ‘offline mode’ for 4th generation Tablo devices. While it won’t be available in time for the big game, this feature will allow Tablo users to access live TV in the event of a Tablo server slowdown or outage. We expect ‘offline mode’ will begin beta testing in the first half of February.

We apologize for the inconvenience this caused and thank you for your patience as we work to scale our infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing Tablo user base.

UPDATE - January 27 - 8:14 p.m. ET - We are experiencing intermittent server outages affecting 4th Generation Tablo devices. We are working to correct this as soon as possible. Stay tuned for further updates.

UPDATE - January 27, 9:25 p.m. ET - Server functionality has now returned to normal.


Trying to tune in for football and the infamous “Unknown Error” strikes again.

Tablo, fix your servers, please.


Same here.

Yep. Useless here.

This is so frustrating. It seems where there is a big game, Tablo just doesnt work. Its always revolves around the guide data. It simply doesnt load. Its a local station, CBS, so the guide data shouldnt stop me from watching the channel, just pass through the signal. I was able to access the channel because it was on the home page, but could not get to it from the guide.

Why do you have to load the guide data when I open the app, the device can download the guide data while Im not using it, then just cache it. Im happy to provide local storage if that will solve the problem.


Same issue here. I didn’t know that’s what the probably was/is but apparently so. I experienced the same errors two days ago but a reboot of my onn box and Tablo fixed it. When it didn’t work this time, I thought I’d check out these forums, and lo and behold…

Every time there is a big football game on the system crashes. Tablo needs to solve this problem before Superbowl!


I’m only on my second month with Tablo but this issue does seem to happen whenever there’s a big NFL game, mostly on CBS. It resolves itself after 20 mins or so but this problem is consistent. I thought it was guide loading push server issue but still doesn’t make much sense. Working now.


Same here. Had to put a coax splitter from antenna, one side to Tablo and the others to the TV so could watch. Seems to happen every time I want to watch a game.

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This is completely unacceptable. Happens way too often. I feel like it’s approaching a year since they promised an update where it would work offline. Why is the team so slow. Very hard to recommend using Tablo to other people


tonight i can also open live shows from the homepage, but not from the grid. (roku ultra)

It probably resolves itself because people give up and find another way to watch the game. This would reduce the load on Tablo servers. Absolutely unacceptable


Working for me now

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Knock knock…
Who’s there?
A company that sells an OTA dvr that often doesn’t work because company servers suck.

A company that sells an OTA dvr that often doesn’t work because company servers suck…who?




Delivered from amazon Friday. I installed Saturday afternoon. No problem, easy to setup. Downloaded app on LG TV and smart phone. Took 2 hours to complete the guide download. worked FLAWLESSLY during Judge Judy. Now it’s AFC Championship Football game and can’t connect to the server! Cutting the cord was the best idea TABLO…let’s get it together!


Thankfully I’m recording the game, so I’m able to just watch my recording. The server stability is a huge issue lately. Come on didn’t they learn anything from week one or the other weeks where it crashes?


It finally came back for me. I wonder how they scored?

I highly recommend recording the Super Bowl in case this crap happens, which it most likely will.


I have been watching both games just fine, though I did need to reboot my Tablo today

I’m still unable to Tablo following this outage 3h ago, you guys back up?