Hi. Since upgrading to macOS Big Sur I’ve not been able to run Tablo Exporter. I receive the following error. “Java Application launch Failed” but no error shows up in the console. I’ve removed and re-installed Java and the Tablo Exporter files + the current static build of ffmpeg but continue to receive the error message. Is anyone successfully running Tablo Exporter on Big Sur? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks for your help.
Although it should still work, it doesn’t appear to have move out of alpha testing since 2017…
- Note: These products are free, but are alpha or early beta.
Nor that is has been “tested” on current systems:
Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings
Currently testing on Windows 8 and Mac OSX.
You’ll likely get most support in the Tablo Exporter topic and @ the developer as they’ll get notified.
Thanks. Hopefully I can get it working again. It was a great app.
I also tried running it from the command line and received the following error.
Error: Could not find or load main class tabloexport.TabloExport
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application
Have you got any thoughts about how to fix this? Thanks.
@dcrabtree11207 You need a build of Java with JFX. An example is Azul’s OpenJDK builds available at:
Tablo Exporter is working for me on an M1 MacBook as of December 2022.