Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings

Got to use Oracle Java, it won’t work with OpenJDK

Thanks I’ll try downloading that. I might have lost it in some past upgrade. Any particular version I should get? I see they are up to SE 15 now.

I think anything above 8.1 will work, but I have not tested

OK thanks.

They are virtually the same

Follow the same development path, until licensing and other subtlies.

Does not support certain things in the code :wink:

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It has been eons since I did Java. What do I need to run the code?

The last time I used Tablo Export successfully was just before I upgraded to Catalina. I tried a few days ago for the first time since the update (September) and Export Video doesn’t work for me. Selecting a recording and hitting Export Video puts the video in the Tablo Export Queue, where the status is Queued. It quickly switches to Exporting, at Progress 0%; within a second or two the Progress jumps to 100% and green, but status remains “Exporting”, and there is no file in the Output Folder. I need to Cancel All to get that particular recording to queue up again, but it does the same thing the next time.

I’ve used brew install ffmpeg to get ffmpeg 4.3.2 for Catalina, and switched the ffmpeg file path I was using from the previously downloaded one to /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg (which switches immediately to /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.3.2/bin/ffmpeg). Both of those paths will run from the command line if I try them in Terminal, though all I’ve tried is with -h for the help.

I’m using Tablo Video Exporter 0.7a build 129 and Catalina 10.15.7.

Any ideas?

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@Jestep Do you publish the source for TabloExport anywhere? Is there a git repo that I could fork and add Pull Requests to, or report issues on?