Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings

Yea, I know what it is, just still trying to figure out how to correct it and have been trying to work with the developer of the built in ffmpeg as well.


Perfect - thanks! At least you know what’s going on

@theuser86, yea it does not happen on all my recordings, but I have one I am using for testing and it is reproducible every time… 

Gotham Episode 19 recorded from CTV played just fine on my Roku 3 via the USB port. There were no sync issues with the MP4.

@theuser86 I think it’s related to some dropped video frames and just trying to figure out how best to handle it

Ok, so good/news bad news sort of day. I was able to fix the audio sync issue. However, had to go back to using the command line ffmpeg. Not a huge deal, but i really wanted it to be self contained. Good news is it makes the code much smaller.

So, you need to download ffmpeg for your OS from here:

And then download the Tablo Exporter from:

Point your ffmpeg file to the executable for your OS, point to the output directory

Double click on the Tablo to load the Tablo data. Select the show to export, click export

I am hoping to go back to self contained once the issue can be fixed, but I am guessing that will not be for a while. So for the time being, enjoy

Let me know if you run into any issues. I still plan on making a queue and also adding some different formats.

Thanks - going to test now.

For the ffmpeg, I am running Windows 8.1 64-bit, should I use the 32-bit version or 64-bit version of ffmpeg? I was wondering which versions you tested during your Windows tests, or do you only run it on Linux?

@theuser86 I used the 64bit ver for windows. But I am guessing you could use whatever you want. But that is a good point, I might just go back and try that too :wink:

@Jestep, thanks for doing this. I’ve tried it out and find it very convenient.  Is there any chance you can add the season to the naming convention?  Thanks!

@jbritton3 I will look at that, thanks!

I am running an export now using the 32-bit version of ffmpeg, I’ll let you know how it goes. The CPU usage is quite a bit less than it was previously, 20-25% before and now 5-10%. But now with the Processing bar there is no percentage completed shown?

@theuser86 yea, the problem with including ffmpeg in your code is it cannot be compiled to use GPL, which of course means you CPU is going to be working much harder

First 30 minute show was a success, no sync issues. I will try another one hour show later. Interesting point, your previous version did not pull the CC from the stream, now CC works again when playing back on the Roku.

Again though, what happened to the the Processing percentage complete?

Thanks for all the work you put into this!

@theuser86  yea, sorry, not able to currently tell how far along it is, but I will look at that.

@jbritton3 made me think of something else, I have it now exporting to the base folder output into shows/seasons

Hopefully this doesn’t make it too complicated. I liked it all in one folder, but then I thought maybe it would be nice to be in separate folders for shows. Especially if you have a lot :wink:

It has been updated on my site.

@theuser86 ok updated with the percentage back into play :wink:

Just tried this version (on OSX) with the 64bit ffmpeg and it works pretty dammed fast… (like really fast)… and the cpu barely ticks… 

sync seems good but I need to find the recording I was testing on before.

Thanks - percentage is nice again. Using the 64-bit version of ffmpeg now, we’ll see how it goes.

So the sync issue is still there with a bunch of Criminal Minds episodes. Audio is still ahead of the video, not as bad but still there. I compared to Direct playback from the Tablo and audio is fine, not out of sync.

I used the version I DL’d yday.

@theuser86 well, that is using FFMPEG directly, so out of my hands. Do you know how to find the show on the Tablo?

You could try messing around using ffmpeg and getting it to run by itself to see if maybe playing with the command line switches.

Just tried this version (on OSX) with the 64bit ffmpeg and it works pretty dammed fast.. (like really fast).. and the cpu barely ticks.. 

sync seems good but I need to find the recording I was testing on before.

Ok found the show that I had tested on previously and now the audio/video is perfectly in sync.