Tablo App for Samsung TIZEN Smart TVs (4th Gen) Update - (v.1.5.1)

Hi folks,

An update for our 4th Generation Tablo Samsung TIZEN app is rolling out now.

This has a TON of new features and fixes so make sure you’re using the latest version.

Tablo App for Samsung TIZEN Smart TVs (4th Gen) Update – (v. 1.5.1)

  • Adds fast-forward preview thumbnails for completed recordings
  • Adds the ability to watch in-progress recordings from start
  • Adds the ability to add channels to your favorites list via the airing details for a program on that channel
  • Adds the ability to format new external hard drive from the settings screen
  • Adds an automatic check for firmware updates upon startup
  • Adds improved seeking behavior when holding down left or right directional buttons during playback
  • Adds improved functionality for closed captioning
  • Adds improved live TV grid navigation
  • Adds improvements to general connectivity with the Tablo
  • Adds improved error messaging throughout the app
  • Adds increased stability for Home and Live screens
  • Fix for the app occasionally freezing during commercials on FAST channels
  • Fix for Live grid filters not working correctly
  • Fix for Tablo Firmware update screens occasionally not displaying properly
  • Fix for back button not exiting the player
  • Many other bug fixes and performance improvements

We hope you enjoy this update!

As always, if you have any questions or encounter any problems, feel free to post them below or touch base directly with support.

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How soon will the v.1.5.1 be available. I’m on v.1.4.0 and don’t see any option to update. Thanks.

Hi @DMO,

1.5.1 is live however, Samsung’s update polices sometimes mean that not all Samsung devices will get updates all at the same time. However, it should be available for your device soon.

Normally, I get the updates soon after the forum announcement, but so far nothing. I also noticed on my 2019 Samsung HDTV apps application that the ‘More Information’ page for the currently installed 1.4.0 version of the app is showing that it was updated on 11/21/2024.

Will this update be rolling out to newer versions of Tizen that carry the “One OS” label? My older Samsung TV running Tizen 7.0 (2000.2), got the update on 11/21/2024. But my new Samsung TV running Tizen 7.0 (2011.0), has yet to receive the update, and is still running the very buggy 1.4.0 version of Tablo.

@TabloTV, it’s been a while now. My 2019 Samsung HDTV (version 1420) is ‘still’ on Tablo version 1.4.

Still has an issue with vertical stretching on SD (480i) channels on 2022 QN800B with Tizen 6.5.

No Closed Captions (CC) are available on 2022 Samsung QN800B with Tizen TV OS 6.5.

Closed Captions work on the TabloTV app on Android.

I can confirm this. Channels that are 16:9 ratio, but 480i have black bars on the sides, squishing the image, on both of my Samsung TVs. One running the new version 1.5.1, and one still waiting for the update running 1.4.0 of Tablo.

I can confirm this, also. Did a spot check this morning.

Unfortunately, Samsung does not offer closed captioning for over-the-air broadcasts. However, CC should work for streaming channels.

TabloTV 4th Gen is a tuner-2-IP device that transcodes broadcast content to an IP stream. I don’t connect my TV directly to the antenna and don’t use the TV’s internal tuner to watch OTA broadcasts. I use the TabloTV app on my Samsung TV that grabs the transcoded IP stream from the TabloTV device, which includes CC for other devices Roku, and Google TV set-tops. So it is a bug in the TabloTV app, not the TV. For all I care, Samsung can do whatever it wants when I directly connect to the TV’s tuner, but if the TabloTV software supports CC on other devices like Roku and Android TV, it has to support the CC on the Samsung TVs.

CC is an FCC-mandated feature, so it is surprising that Samsung doesn’t support it, but TabloTV should provide it in their app.

I have a newer Samsung TV that is direct-connected to antenna and using the TV tuner I’m able to enable and view CC on NBC.

My point exactly. The TabloTV app for Samsung TV should provide CC.

Maybe they need to clarify their statement. There may be a valid reason why it doesn’t work.

Can you tell me where I can find my Samsung OS version? I’ve searched but can’t seem to locate it. All I can find is a Version: 2220 in my TV’s Support tab.

@TabloTV, any updates on when 1.5.1 will roll out to the rest of the Tizen 7.0 TVs? I’m very excited to get this update.

@wysiwyggin, I have not found an index to relate the 2### numbers shown on the support page of the Samsung Update screen to a Tizen version but if you use the web browser on your TV to visit a site that shows the User Agent string, you will be able to see the Tizen version your TV is reporting.

My Samsung. Tablo app still has not updated. It was released in late October and it mid December. I have my Samsung settings to automatically update apps. I even called Samsung…they couldn’t figure anything out…we re- installed the Tablo app and still no update…

I’m still on version 1.4 as well. Maybe Tablo needs to re-do the update on the Samsung App Store or something.

Thanks for the link info. My Tizen is still v6.0. I don’t know if it’ll ever update on its own. You get a bit more info when you enter ‘localhost’ in the browser.

My firmware shows v2220 and the Samsung website shows v2220.9 as the latest. Some devices don’t report the minor version, so I don’t know if I already have the most up-to-date firmware or not.

UPDATE 12/31/2024: after reviewing the About page on the TV, I was able to see the complete version is v2220.9.

@TabloTV, Could you have your development team check in with Samsung to see why the 1.5.1 upgrade is not rolling out to so many users? I’m also still on the 1.4.0 version on my primary TV. This very buggy version is difficult to use, if it will even open at all.

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