Seems to be the same useless app as before. With march madness approaching it would be nice to go to the sports menu and find one list of all the NCAA mens basketball regardless of channel.
So far I can only find a useless list of "featured’ sports that contain empty entries for wnba, premier league soccer, poker, and NFL. and All Sports is a list of all sports. Nice
This release has fixed the two issues that I had with the program guide:
When scrolling up or down too fast, the Tablo app crashed back to the Amazon home page.
When scrolling too fast, the guide would say “Programing not available” on channels that just a few seconds ago had the correct info displayed.
Both of these issues have been fixed, and although still a bit slow, the guide navigation works better, especially when using the page-at-a-time buttons.
of course I have a ‘shows’ menu with an empty no icon list for both “live now” and "networks’. And just maybe if you provide a guide you should be able to filter it by channel.
I’m sure that when i go to the “news” menu I should expect the networks and featured filter to be empty with no icon. I also find it hard to believe that morning news show includes "Kelly and Mark’ and no local news. And wow the evening new filter includes Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon. Who would have thought.
Are you saying that “Sports” menu Featured sports should contain NFL and WNBA
I also see that the “featured sports”/“all sports” filter instead of the 4 NCAA basketball games has no NCAA games. While the Live TV grid for the 20th has them. And they don’t appear in the “shows” menu under the proper network.
The gen 4 roku app is correct as are the legacy roku and fire tv stick app.
We have 1.6.0 on our Fire TV and 1.6 on my Android phone. We’re checking out the Fire TV app and will report anything we find. We never use the Android app to watch anything. It’s merely a way for me to configure or update settings while my wife is watching on the Fire TV.
Compatibility with what - itself. You do know that the original gen 4 fire tv stick app installed on the fire tv stick gen 1 and gen 2. Of course it didn’t run after a few releases due to an API incompatibility. At which point tablo blocked the installation of the app on those devices.
So if there is an incompatibility issue then tablo needs to block the app from installing like it did for the original fire tv sticks. Of course the gen 4 app is the only app that doesn’t run on the fire tv stick gen 2.