Version 1.3 for Fire TV (FireOS) hit my Fire TV devices yesterday supporting this new side menu GUI, and this morning version 1.3 with this same new GUI has hit my Google TV now as well.
As for bug fixes, the ICON refresh on the Latest page in the Library seems to be gone now. And switching from All Channels and Favorite Channels now displays all the guide data on the Favorite Channels page. Thank you.
There’s no longer a New tag (badge) on library shows anymore. I guess the blue bar below the shows ICON is now the indicator for shows that have been watched, watching, or not watched.
I still do not see one feature that’s available on the Samsung TV app GUI where the recorded episodes description is shown above selecting Watch Episode.
There still is no comprehensive schedule manager for series recordings. The only way to see/access series recording settings is if there is either 1) at least 1 past recording or 2) there is at least 1 recording scheduled.
Scheduled series recordings that don’t have either of these conditions are absent from any view in the library. They are in essence “orphaned” in the recording settings database.
Oddly, they do appear in the iOS version of the Tablo app, but there are no options shown to modify or delete the series recording settings.
This bug has been identified for many months, but has yet to be resolved.
I just noticed another navigation bug. Moving up and down the vertical menus does not refresh the highlighted menu choice content screen until the select button is pressed. This is 1) an unnecessary keystroke and 2) is confusing as it allows the vertical menu highlighted item and the associated content to be out of sync.
This behavior is most noticeable when navigating the vertical “Library” sub-menu.
The first item you’ve mentioned will be addressed in a forthcoming firmware update coming soon.
The second is an intentional choice to match our intended functionality going forward. Removing the ‘auto-load’ aspect, and now requiring a selection allows for the app to only load data when it needs to which will allow for better performance.
You can see where you still are with the item that has the gray focus background while you navigate elsewhere using the blue focus background.
Thanks for the response. Looking forward to the update that addresses the first item. I understand the trade-off choice on the second item. Performance is a good priority.
I just noticed my TabloTV menu is located vertically on the left hand side instead of horizontally at the top.
Did this firmware just get auto downloaded/activated, and is it the cause for this assumed feature change? Guess somebody thought this reformat of the main Tablo screen is better than the old style.
I am not happy at all over this. Tablo doesn’t bother to fix the long nagging bugs, but changes the screen layout without telling anyone. I dont like any company just changing things dramatically without giving the customer a choice. We paid for this device. Its not a free app we play with. Yet tablo feels free to play with us?
I noticed this too! This should have been announced and not sprung on us! I would like Tablo support to explain what caused this. I do not have any new software installed since 2.2.52 in July.
Version 1.3 for Fire TV (FireOS) hit my Fire TV devices yesterday supporting this new side menu, and this morning version 1.3 with this same new GUI has hit my Google TV now as well.
As for bug fixes, at least the ICON refresh on the Latest page seems to be gone. And switching from All Channels and Favorite Channels now displays all the guide data on the Favorite Channels page.
There’s no longer a New tag on library shows anymore. I guess the blue bar below the shows ICON is now the indicator for shows that have been watched, watching, or not watched.
But, they still haven’t brought one feature that’s available on the Samsung TV app GUI to these flavors where they show the recorded episodes description above selecting Watch Episode.
Well it looks like a similar bug has been introduced to my ONN device that had been plaguing Rokus in the past. Over the last 4 or 5 days (maybe more) while watching a recording it crashes and goes back to the Tablo opening screen. No warning just suddenly resets. Once or twice a day at the most. I’ve been using ONN devices for several months now and this never happened before. I have not tried any resets or reboots or data deletes, etc, etc as I just don’t want to get in that unnecessary habit. This is only for recordings, we don’t use Tablo for live viewing.
The random app reset happens on the Fire TV as well, but I’ve only observed it when I’m pausing/play or skipping forward/back/play multiple times during playback of the recorded content.
I’ve cleared app cache, and when that did not resolve it, I then cleared app cache and data, but it’s still randomly happening.
A quick note about Amazon FireStick models. There has been some issues with the plain “Amazon FireStick 4k” that did not plague the Maxes. I’m not sure if this is still the case.
It would help us if you you were to list what model you have so that others can let you know what – if any – issues they’ve had with their model.
I was using a 1st gen 4k max that worked great with Tablo, I now use a 2nd gen FireStick 4k Max that has never had an issue.