Tablo 4th Gen Wishlist

No I tried multiple days in a row. It was 5-7 days in the future. I only discovered the difference because the previous weeks saturday game was recorded the day before and so the MLB menu showed up in recordings. You could click record(METS) but orange record icon didn’t turn on. Clicking the record for brewers in recording menu turned the orange icon immediately.

All or the few MLB games come on fox 69.

It’s still there to be recorded for 9/19 at 4PM PDT

But legacy has a MLB that is marked as TBD for 9/28 that’s not there on gen 4. The gen 4 grid has the MLB game for 9/28 at 4PM. But it’s not under sports and it doesn’t appear under shows.

Here is another gen 4 roku mystery for you. On a legacy on September 29th the wnba Countdown shows up at 11:30pm and the game at 12PM on channel 10… On a gen 4 There is no game in sports and in shows the WNBA countdown exists. But the grid has paid programing for both.