Tablo 4th Gen ATSC 1.0 1080i/1080p HD Video Upscale To 4K

Guy, if you don’t own a Tablo 4th Gen DVR/Streaming TV Player, please purchase one. Also, purchase a Shield TV Pro with onboard built-in AI artificial intelligence 4K upscale technology. Then you will get the big picture with crystal clear video enhanced upscale 4K video resolution quality in your home, plus you will be in the KNOW …!

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Using advanced video tools to test, if Amazon Prime Video is broadcasting tonight’s NFL Thursday Night Football Game in HDR. As you can see the screen banner shows the game is in HDR, {No On Screen HDR Popup Needed} …!

Your TV Is Not Dead: The Tablo ATSC 1.0 4th Gen DVR/Internet Streaming TV Player And Nvidia Shield TV Pro Android TV Box {BELOW} Can Resurrect It In A Big Way

The Tablo ATSC 1.0 4th Gen DVR/Internet Streaming TV Player {BELOW} and the Shield TV Pro with 1080i/1080p to 4K Al artificial intelligence upscaling technology is a much higher crystal-clear video resolution quality. Truly the “DREAM TEAM”, UNBEATABLE, a marriage made in heaven, like white on rice, like hands and gloves, hands down …!

Not sure who @Tech1 is, but if I were Scripps, I’d starting sending a check.

Nvidia? (that’ll never happen)

Cjcox did you get the just released Tablo 4th Gen firmware update today 9/15/2023? Well guy, THE UNBEATABLE DREAM TEAM just got better …!

Actually, I’m a long time OG Tablo user. Has a different feature set. New product is different, I don’t have any need of it.

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Which Tablo are you using?

I am grandfathered into Tablo’s original policies. I own two 2-tuner OG Tablo units sharing one lifetime subscription.

Awesome cjcox, sweet …!

Advanced video tools were used last night during the Amazon Prime Video NFL Thursday Night’s Football Game. The photo is a commercial during the game, beautiful ladies …!

The top photo was taken today after the Tablo 4Th Gen DVR/Internet Streaming TV Player received the latest NEW - Tablo (4th Gen Only) Firmware Release 2.2.45 update. Notice the enhanced 4K UPSCALE video resolution quality, via the Shield TV Pro {THE DREAM TEAM JUST GOT BETTER} …!

What does this really have to do with Tablo? I assume it can “upconvert” any streaming video. These posts seem more like paid ads from Nvidia. This thread and it’s megabyte pictures should be locked down.

Dude you are missing a very important point and I knew somebody was coming with your type of mentality thinking. The BETTER higher quality ATSC 1.0 OTA Over-The-Air video signals from the Tablo 4th Gen DVR/Internet Streaming TV Player the NVIDIA Shield TV Pro receives, the better quality 4K UPSCALE TV VIDEO the Shield TV Pro will PRODUCE, via AI Artificial Intelligence 4K Upscaling Technology. Now with today’s 9/15/2023 firmware update for the Tablo 4th Gen [NEW - Tablo (4th Gen Only) Firmware Release 2.2.45], there has been a vast OTA Over-The-Air video signal super improvement. THE DREAM TEAM JUST GOT BETTER …! You said, I assume it can “upconvert” any streaming video. If you can FIND a TV {NOT EVEN SONY TVs CAN DO IT BETTER} or streaming TV box on the current 2023 market, that’s better than the Shield TV Pro for 4K upscaling, via AI Artificial Intelligence, please let me know. That’s why I gave an example above of exactly what you are talking about too …!

In all fairness, even my cats are beginning to understand.

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Cjcox, glad you are back man. Today 9/15/2023 we had a firmware update for the Tablo 4th Gen [NEW - Tablo (4th Gen Only) Firmware Release 2.2.45. There has been a vast OTA Over-The-Air video signal super improvement. THE DREAM TEAM JUST GOT BETTER. The ATSC 1.0 streaming video signal coming from the Tablo 4th Gen DVR/OTA/Internet Streaming TV Player is being received by the Shield TV Pro to be upscaled to 4K {SEE VIDEO PHOTO BELOW}, via AI Artificial Intelligence 4K Upscaling technology.

What they don’t understand is it’s the Tablo 4th Gen, now brings a more powerful OTA TV signal to the Shield TV Pro, since the firmware update today. A lot of people were complaining about the Tablo 4th Gen having weak tuners, evidently, the new firmware update has fixed this issue today.

Pound for pound, I now believe the Tablow 4th Gen has better HD ATSC 1.0 OTA video resolution quality, than the HDHomeRun Flex 4K. PLEASE NOTE: {I’m Not Talking About ATSC 3.0 NEXTGEN OTA HDFX-4K/8K/H.265 TV Video} …!

If you’re using a usb hard drive with the Tablo 4th gen, the video decoded by the tuners is recorded to the drive. No transcoding is done first. This gives you the best possible image for display. This is the same as the TV Connected Tablos, like I have.

No guy, it’s the Shield TV Pro where the Tablo app is located. This is live-streaming TV, not a DVR recording. It’s the Shield TV Pro that’s doing the 4K upscaling. As I have said several times now, the Shield TV Pro has AI {Artificial Intelligence} 4K upscaling technology onboard built-in {SEE THE BOTTOM PHOTO}.

My Storage device doesn’t have 4K upscaling technology, it has nothing to do with the 4K upscaling period. {SEE THE TOP 4K UPSCALE PHOTO BELOW}.

The top video photo below is another example of post {After} the new firmware update today. Now look at how beautiful the enhanced 4K streaming next-level video quality is displayed in crystal clear video resolution …!

@Tech1, I was explaining why the video from the new Tablo is different from the legacy network Tablos. The new Tablos send non-transcoded video to the apps. The older network Tablos transcode the video to h264 which is sent to the apps. The non-transcoded video gives a clearer image for the Shield to upscale.


Pound for pound, I now believe the Tablow 4th Gen has better HD ATSC 1.0 OTA video resolution quality, than the HDHomeRun Flex 4K. PLEASE NOTE: {I’m Not Talking About ATSC 3.0 NEXTGEN OTA HDFX-4K/8K/H.265 TV Video}. The top video photo below is from the Tablo 4th Gen and the bottom video is from my HDHomeRun Flex 4K. It’s a closed call, but I think the Tablo 4th Gen video photo is slightly better.

OK Mr. Khaver I feel you, I understand what you are saying …!