I’m having this issue with KY3 in zip code 85804 now - split screen with jumping between feeds on the lower half, exactly as described in the 2019 string.
I would open a ticket with support. As I recall, this was something that they had to work with the broadcaster to resolve.
Done. Thanks!
My Tablo works great on everything except the Olympics. When watching a recording, the screen splits in two from top to bottom or flutters or sometimes zooms in on part of the screen. It will also play normally for a while. Anybody having this problem?
Yes, it looks like KY3 is specifically is having an issue in Southwest Missouri. I’d suggest submitting a ticket since it sounds like Tablo will have to work with the broadcaster to fix the issue. Especially if you’re seeing it for a non-KY3 station. I’m just really hoping it gets fixed before the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Hey all, just as a heads up: the broadcaster is aware of and actively working on this problem. We’ve sent them the details they should need to address this issue. We’ve also connected them with a few other broadcasters that have already solved this problem in the past for their reference. We’re hopeful for a speedy resolution.
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