(Sold) 4-Tuner Tablo Lifetime Grandfathered Account

Went back to dish because my wife dosnt like saving money I guess lol. So getting rid of my tablo and grandfathered lifetime account. I have it listed at 260 but willing to consider reasonable offers. Its always worked perfectly never any issues.

In the past, individuals have had to get permission from Nuvyyo to transfer their subscription service to someone else. (Maybe you’ve already done this, just saying I’d check with them if you haven’t)

Thanks for the info! I am going to send them a message to make sure they would be ok with it. I just seen you could change email and figured it was ok.

Was told I can just change the email and password.

Im willing to take 230$ Just send best offer. I had excepted another offer for 230$ and the person canceled on me.

I checked out your ebay listing. You advertise,

Comes with a lifetime subscription so you will never have to pay any monthly fees!

To be clear, you’re including the subscription. Tablo’s don’t come with a subscriptions, you add a tablo to your subscription. Your Tablo subscription is tied to YOU, not a specific device. [Tablo Guide Data Subscriptions] You might know what you’re saying, and users here might follow what you’re trying to get across, but if I didn’t and read…

I can also change the email on the account to your email address. Just make sure to indicate in the notes you would like this and put your email address. Other wise I’ll just give you the current email address and password and you can change it yourself. I got the ok from Tablo support to transfer this account to a new user.

This would, for me, signal something like just move on. If you got an ok, why are we swapping emails… or you giving me an email. Changing email address still leaves the subscription in your name, will there be an issue if they try to add another device? since they have to contact support.

This is the grandfathered lifetime account that they no longer offer that you can add multiple Tablo devices on.

and this means anything to someone looking to buy a tablo from the start? and there’s information readily available for grandfathered lifetime account? Again, I would just move on.

Without a subscription, I can buy brand new from Best Buy or Amazon for $199. As for the “add more devices” subscriptions. Yea, it’s nice to have, but 4 tuners may be enough as is… and for some, including yourself - lifetime didn’t turn out to be as long as you’d hoped.

I do hope you can find a good home for your tablo, better yet, you can still get some use out of it yourself someday.

The lifetime account that is no longer offered comes with it is what I am saying sorry that confused you.

I understand, but someone not knowing tablo’s background have any idea? How can they find any information as to why it’s different than what’s available today?

It means you can add multiple Tablo’s to one lifetime subscription. New lifetime subscribers can only have 1 device. Here is a link to the announcement made by Tablo. A Message from the CEO Re: Subscription Account Changes

I understand all that, why not add that to your ebay ad? I was kind’a making suggestions so next time somebody might not cancel…

I can change email address or give you an email address and you change a password… and I’ll leave you on your own… to some buyers might sound screwy, especially if the read a subscription is not device specific. And they can buy a newly factory refurbished one for $90 and their own lifetime sub for a total $240… deciding 4 tuners for their life might be enough anyhow (with the current policy, not dealing with swapping email address).

More specifically Subscription Agreement - Tablo TV number 8

Nuvyyo may also terminate your subscription and access to the Services immediately in the event you violate the terms of this Agreement (for example, reselling or granting access to the guide data or sharing your subscription account or selling it).

On ebay you state you got “ok from tablo” here you say you can just change email. Just wanted to clarify you have something more legitimate for the purchaser than exchanging email address.

It is stated in the ad you quoted it yourself. But I did add a link now to info about the grandfathered accounts.

Also if you read above I posted a screen shot of the response from Tablo about changing the email address.

[quote=“djk44883, post:10, topic:19429”]
And they can buy a newly factory refurbished one for $90 and their own lifetime sub for a total $240
[/quote] A new one 200$ with lifetime 150$ will run you 350$ for only one device. A used one or refurbished one cheapest im seeing is 150$ plus 150$ for single device lifetime 300$. 230$ for device plus a lifetime subscription you can add more devices to is a good deal.

The screen shot reading “and is not supported by us”. A work-around, isn’t the same as transferring your lifetime subscription.

A “lifetime subscription you can add more device to” wasn’t such an awesome deal for you. Unless they need /want more than the four tuners the device has… you have to spend even more money to add more devices. You can push it and push it, but having someone else’s lifetime subscription is a grey area and not likely necessary - if that’s the only tablo they ever buy.

Back in April there was a similar sale and the post claims that “Tablo Support has confirmed that they will transfer my entire account, perks included, to the new owner.”

So is this true? Why the conflicting information?

SEE: [Sold]-4-tuner-tablo-lifetime-guide-grandfathered-account-status

But the Tablo Subscription Agreement states:

  1. No Assignment . You may not assign or transfer any interest under this Agreement without the written consent of Nuvyyo.

Tablo Subscription Agreement

Best I recall, they tried, with support… and was unable to get the tablo to work in their current environment. It was under warranty, and tablo couldn’t fix it… so they provided an exemption.

Looks like this person, immediately decided I’m going to use this the rest of my life and get a life time subscription now. Later decided/realized it wasn’t such a great idea deal since the life time use of the tablo wasn’t nearly so long.

@TabloSupport maybe you can chime in here.

Just ignore all the noise.

But since your wife doesn’t like to save money is this an either/or offer?

Update it is now sold.