Simplifying the Home Screen and other menus

That sounds perfect. I think that was something we’d thought about in the other topic: Current connected devices. And no, the 4th gen app does not have a disconnect button, but in the Android/Fire version, if you go to Switch Tablo > Yes, Switch Tablo. By hitting the Back button again, you’ll be asked if you want to Exit. When “Yes” is chosen, that same “Multiple Tablo Devices Found” screen will appear at the app’s next launch.

Even your little tweak would pass for something – although I still prefer if it had a “switch Tablo” button as well, or as a popup before giving the confirmation to disconnect entirely. I really wouldn’t mind disconnecting from my Tablo after most uses, since just hitting “Home” on the remote defaults to your last device used. If this was the only way to disconnect, though, it would get old really fast. Users with only one device would never use these buttons, and so it could be put at the bottom.

As it is now:
“Yes, exit Tablo”

“Disconnect” or “Switch” right below that would make this a simple process by just hitting the Back button a couple of times.