Roku - Recorded Shows Won't Play

When I select one of my recorded shows on Roku to play it, the show won’t play, but rather immediately returns me to the Library. This happens on multiple shows, and recordings that I know are there because I can watch them on the iPhone app.

I had an older Roku and this happened (even after monthts of working consistently) so I thought maybe my Roku was past its end-of-life and bought a new one. It worked consistently for about two weeks, and now the same issue as happened on my old Roku.

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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roku 14 and Live Grid Concerns

I have similar issue on my 2 Samsung TV’s- the older one plays video without audio on recordings recorded after change to Roku 14, the newer Samsung works fine after doing the audio change to custom/dolby, video and audio play fine on the newer recordings (after Roku up to 14).
I’ll play with settings some more on the older one to try to get it working.

I just ran into this same issue. It worries me that about three months have passed since you reported this issue and it is still not resolved. At least it plays back on my iPad — I’m sure that will get old after awhile.

Is the problem you’re encountering related to the Roku 14 Compatibility Issue?

If so, Audio Compatibility Mode should resolve it for live TV.

Unfortunately, recordings previously created in Surround Sound (AC3) WILL NOT be converted to Stereo Sound (AAC) once this setting is enabled, which means they’ll still have problems. However, your new recordings should be fine.

As it turns out, being new to Tablo, I may have replied to a post that described a problem unlike what I was experiencing.

At any rate, I followed the “Roku 14 Compatibility Issue” link provided and decided to try playing back recordings from last evening. Without changing any settings on Roku or Tablo the recordings all played. One of the mysteries of life.

I’m hoping this community will be a good resource in the future.


That’s great to hear!

We hope you find this community helpful as well. The users here are attentive and knowledgeable.

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The OS14 bug impacted many, but not all users. It had to do with the combination of Roku and TV. If either one, or both, was an older model it was more likely to be a problem. I have six setups in my house. One was not affected, three worked after changing the audio settings, two did not work until the update a few weeks ago. On those two, the older (pre-update) recordings do not play audio.