Roku App Crashing For Anyone Else Since the Update?

Very weird problem. I would contact Tablo directly. Hopefully they can log into your Tablo box and pull the logs or even the database to see if it’s corrupted.

You can access all these recordings on other devices such as a computer or iPad?

Very weird problem. I would contact Tablo directly. Hopefully they can log into your Tablo box and pull the logs or even the database to see if it's corrupted.

You can access all these recordings on other devices such as a computer or iPad?

Yup, everything works fine on PC and iPad.

@Icebiker @theuser86 @snowcat We’ve reproduced this in the office, and we’ve pushed an update to Roku. We’re just waiting on approval before its sent out. 

In the last 3 weeks my Roku 3 (WIFI only) have rebooted 3 times wile doing a FF or rew in a show.

I have restated the shows and they worked perfectly.

I don't thinck it's related to the same problem, The shows I was watching only had 1 season.

v1.13, build 15 (up from 14) downloaded this morning and seems to have fixed my issues, based on some cursory testing.

Thanks Tablo, it must have been a thorny bug to resolve.

My crash problems have gone away as well.  I did notice that seasons are now sorted in reverse numeric order on the Roku, which is good (latest season shows up first instead of the earliest season).

Glad this bug seems to have been squished! 

If you guys see anything else that’s funky, please let us know.