RESOLVED - Legacy Device Web Infrastructure Outage (February 2024)

It’s fine with me if they don’t want to offer it anymore. Just cancel the process and refund all of the subscribers money.

However, since I’m currently paying for this service, I expect it to work and there is no excuse for them taking days to fix their problems. I know that this is happening over a weekend again, but this is a service that is supposed to work 24/7, so I expect @TabloSupport to be working 24/7 to repair the service.

By the way, when are we going to be reimbursed for this outage time? At least when AT&T had a major outage, they offered refunds to their customers.


$5 refund. Woo hoo. And there is an order of magnitude between not being able to use your cell phone and not being able to have commercials skipped.

IMHO, zero reason to rush to “Tablo’s defense”… they need to do the “right thing” with regards to those that paid for a month of service that they really aren’t getting. And yes, while AT&T’s $5 is paltry, they “did something”.


Don’t you guys ever wonder why it only seems to go out on the weekends? What do you guys think happens Friday night that sets it up for failure until office hours Monday?


Maybe the janitor comes in and unplugs something to plug in a vacuum or floor polisher. :laughing: (I don’t use the feature myself. I bought MCEBuddy and Comskip individually.)


I’ve been having the same problem and when I called Tablo support, then sent me the canned "reception problem " email. My issue started about a week ago when only 1 of 3 or 4 shows were not comskipped after 24 hours and no errors appeared. One show comskipped after about 36 hours,

Maybe this is a coincidence but I am recording more TV shows since the “new” season started (delayed due to the writer’s strike). Also I live on the west coast, so when my prime time shows are recorded, comskipping is being run for folks on the east coast. So my guess is that the comskip server is just being overloaded when it has to work for the west coast folks.

Wonder if others are experiencing the same?

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It’s working again. I guess the janitor plugged the server back in ….


Hi folks - There were some issues across AWS (which is what the commercial skip servers use) over the last few days but they seem to be fully resolved now.

What I hear:

“We really screwed up?”

But aren’t we based in the cloud?


Then, let’s tell everyone it was the cloud providers fault.


Yea, right. Seriously a whole bunch of, like, stuff runs on Amazon Web Services…
Literally, like tons of things, were cringy for a some days.

Still getting " Commercial Skip detection failed" on some recordings but not on others. Why is that Tablo and will it try and load again? :thinking:

CS when fail when the episode has unusally long commercials. And/or the commercials don’t have detectable pauses in them.

Once you receive a message regarding commercial skip, there will not be anymore processing attempted on that recording.

For me on my PC can get my legacy table working on 1) the legacy app from the Microsoft Store or 2) Firefox in Private mode/window. Quit working for me in Edge, though I didn’t try clearing cache, whatnot.

Presumably it is affecting any Chromium-based browser.