RESOLVED - Legacy Device Web Infrastructure Outage (February 2024)

Hi folks -

We have confirmed there is currently an issue with some of our web infrastructure for legacy Tablo devices.

This will cause the Legacy Tablo web app to fail to load, Automatic Commercial Skip on new recordings to fail, and connectivity issues with the LG app.

The team is investigating this issue now with a high level of priority, and we hope to have updates on this issue soon.

We’ll keep you posted once we know more.


It appears to be working now.

You beat me to it @bbaorbb!

The web app at should be back up and running as usual.

We’re still working on Automatic Commercial Skip and the LG app. Stay tuned on those.


The LG app should be back up and running as well for legacy folks who are still using it.

Automatic Commercial Skip will take a bit longer.

Thanks for your patience, everyone!

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Finally! It’s now working.

However, it took you 48 hours to send out a message to users or even acknowledge that something was wrong? How is that possible?

Maybe take a review of your support procedures and try and figure a way to fix these type of issues within hours and not two days worth of time.

At least let users know it’s not working, or maybe, answer your support messages in a timely manner!


BTW, your gif images are not showing up at:

Thank you for getting it to work again! I appreciate it! Glad to have it back!

Automatic commercial skip doesn’t work anymore for few days.

Any reason ?

All new records are mark as FAILED

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Just saw the Announcement on your website.

Will wait the service return.

Going on 120 hours of no CS. Do we get a discount for this? :roll_eyes:

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No “Closed Captioning”? (I think I understood what you meant, but CC??)

Commercial Crap! :rofl: :joy:

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Ok, I was figuring Commercial Cutting, but ok… I see…

Because they aren’t here on weekends. It’s been that way for 10 years.

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Not true. They post on their support page “7 days a week support via phone at 822-5688”, but no one answered the phone. Maybe it’s time they start having weekend support? Due to numerous live sporting events, I’m sure many Tablo users are recording or watching these events. It would be nice if Tablo could answer a text, or at least send out an update on X or on their site to let users know what the heck is happening.

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The Tablo support folks that frequent this forum are not here on weekends. And it wouldn’t be surprising if the employees that know anything about the hosted servers on Amazon are out on weekends as well, barring a critical failure (like no Tablos work).

Not being able to use a web browser or have commercial skip for a weekend is a pretty minor issue. Users can still use plenty of other apps, as well as the Windows app on their computers.

It was just really bad timing that it happened on a Saturday. But if it had happened after 5 or 6 pm on a weeknight, it would have been the next day before anything was fixed. TV watching is not mission critical.

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Can you imagine if it were on Superbowl Sunday though?


Not having access to the Tablo through a browser? That wouldn’t affect anyone on SuperBowl Sunday, not when there is a Windows app available.

And if I lost complete access to my Tablo during the Super Bowl, I would take my antenna and plug it into my main TV set.

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Oh, I’m pretty sure based on the simple, unimportant outage, we just had, you might be surprised.

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