(Resolved) - Amazon S3 Outage May Impact Tablo Web App (Feb 28, 2017)

FYI - Everything should be A-OK now!

Hi folks -

Just a quick heads up that an Amazon S3 outage may affect your ability to reach Tablo’s web app at my.tablotv.com, Tablo’s Android TV or Fire TV apps and/ or your ability to use Tablo apps via Chromecast.

This issue is affecting all kinds of web sites and web services. You can read more about it here:

When things seem to be cleared up, we’ll let you know.

TabloSupport Aug '16

The phone and tablet apps have since been updated to work on the LAN
without Internet connectivity. The only Tablo app that requires an
Internet connection is now http://my.tablotv.com/8

@zippy - You are correct. It will not affect the Android apps aside from Chromecast which uses some AWS-hosted data.

I am curious what is on S3 that you provide? I could understand if it was EC2, but S3?

my.tablotv.com uses S3 as the app host with CloudFront doing the CDN work. The entire web app is client-side (minus the Tablo of course) so we take advantage of the unlimited scaling of static site hosting offered by S3 and global distribution with CloudFront.

Hope that helps explains some things!

Yep, thanks