Record show from Tablo Preview app on Android TV

I have Tablo Android TV (Sony Bravia) app where I can record shows. But recently, I downloaded Tablo Preview app (version 1.7.5) which seems better for watching live TV as it supports switching to new channel without exiting live TV. However, I can’t start a recording from Preview app. When I select a show from guide that is currently running/from a future time, there is an option to “Record Episode” but it’s not selectable. I can only select “Watch” option for currently running show.

I don’t have paid subscription. Is this the limitation with free service or is it an issue?

Appreciate any help!

Recording by show requires a subscription. Without, you can only do manual recordings.

Setting manual programs will be coming to the Tablo PREVIEW app shortly now!

Thank you so much. That was a perfectly timed update!
Now the only thing I wish for is the ability to start recording from live TV view (that includes video in buffer). Perhaps next to closed captioning option.

Much appreciate it guys!

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