Reboot tablo and roku

What are your video quality settings on your Tablo? Are they perhaps too high for your setup?

Running 5 hours before the problem is seen is often called the waterfall symptom.

Depending on the type of usage whatever is occurring in side the app is slowly building up. I see the 5 hour waterfall on my 4200 if I’m simple watching recordings and don’t disconnect. Earlier if I’m FF and jumping around between recording.

I dropped them down 720

even turned off commercial skip

Would be nice if we had more details - when did you do that?

And does the Tablo app work on your phone when your phone is connected to your wifi?

dropped them down when I first started having problems I do read about what I should try before I post

I would not know that unless I ask - no need to attack - just trying to help.

You refuse to tell us about the app on your phone - I also give up.


HD 720 3MBPS just went to Tablo settings on laptop no ethernet using wifi maybe tablo people fixed something

Not exactly. Once Prime hit’s router, it’s coming to devices via LAN - same router wired or wireless and the tablo connection to Roku. From that perspective, there’s not real difference. Given the Roku connects to the LAN wireless, nothing can get to it any faster than “what ever WiFi mode is in use”, which is probably less than a wired port. How you like them apples :wink:

Roku also does release firmware updates for their devices which can break things. And no telling when each user will get a Roku update.

when this first started, it was WiFi [period] Except your tablo isn’t connected via WiFi. Your Roku’s are, but all the other apps work - up your problems is WiFi?

Well maybe it’s you tablo have a stable network connection via wired connection, but you say you have a WiFi issue.

Perhaps there’s something with the Roku tablo’s app maintaining it’s connection… bit what about other devices/apps maintaining a connection wired or wireless

You see why all the questions, you’ve decided what the problem is — with all these unresolved issues.

Tablo tech support probably has a time limit for phone calls and told you what you wanted to hear - you have a WiFi issue :frowning_face: