Random deletions of not-so-kindness

Yes, a gen 4.

IDK how the Legacy devices worked, but for the 4th gen, the only difference in All Recordings is that it shows your TV Shows, Movies and Sports all in one grid, versus splitting them up by category. Good idea, but it brings up the exact same information as clicking on TV Shows and is not there, either.

I have stopped using my Tablo for many shows that I have to record out of order because this has happened so often. In this case, it was in order, on the CW, and two weeks old (yesterday being day 15 is why I wonder about time limits.)

I appreciate your input and it was certainly worth a try. I wish it had worked!

Even though this has happened with both internal and external storage on this (2nd) Tablo, I’d still like to switch back internal again or try a new external drive – I just don’t know how to take the drive out safely so that the machine will disregard those recordings and start recording on the internal again. (I’ve had nonstop issue with this second Tablo and my return window is closing very soon!)