Paused show keeps restarting (old thread)

Roku firmware update.

If you try other live streaming services (like Bloomberg News), you will experience the same issue. I’m not aware of any live streaming where it is not an issue.

Any fix for this yet? Have the Tablo team contacted Roku for a fix? I have a Roku 3 7.7.0 Build 4135-04 with Tablo 2.2.16. Very annoying, not worth pausing so have to use back button instead.

Why would i want to automatically unpause after 5 minutes just rediculous man

I am fairly sure this has been fixed. Using latest Tablo v.20 firmware and latest Roku firmware I have paused and walked away at least once and forgot I had Tablo paused. When I came back much later (45 minutes maybe), the pause was still occurong. I resumed play with no issue.

Anybody else find this now working ok?


Nope, still live broadcasts are still un-pausing after a couple of minutes for me. Using latest Tablo and Roku firmware…

The pause time changes with almost every Roku OS update.
I’ve had it go from 1 minute to 20 minutes, and the only thing that changed was the Roku OS version.

you would think that after 3 years Roku would have found a fix for this.

They do, and then break it again.
Ground Hog Day

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