New Year, New Tablo DVR (& Commercial Skip!)

Of course! Any time we have a new feature we post about it here, on social media, send an email, do a blog post, put the link to that blog post on Reddit, write about it in the newsletter… etc.

If you miss all of those then you must be living under a rock :smiley:


What, you don’t insert commercials into streams when people watch something on their Tablo? How are you going to compete with cable TV, if you don’t replace ads from the broadcasters?

I wouldn’t go that far but I wouldn’t mind a little message popping up when a new feature was added.

I don’t live under a rock but I have backed away from social media and I turned off all notifications on for Facebook. My current obsession doesn’t bring me here that often so my Google news feed and email are my primary information sources regarding Tablo right now.

EDIT:. Doesn’t it drive you nuts when you watch a show and you are interrupted by a commercial for the show you are actually watching at that moment? Seems like a waste of money and my time when it’s not at least a teaser for a future episode.

We are getting a bit off-topic, but when I decide to save a show on my Plex server, I strip out the commercials (making this commercial skipping option great). But if there is a commercial I really like, I move it to the end.

Commercials I like:
There was a cute parks commercial with a deer and a girl having a staring contest. It’s at the end of a few shows I save.

I have saved particularly good commercials for up coming movies. I also put Marvel movie commercials at the end of Marvel shows. It helps me remember the timelines in the bigger Marvel universe.

The assorted CometTV break markers amuse me, so I saved them all at the end of various movies I recorded from that channel (one per movie).

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That’s to bad, wish companies actually cared about customer loyalty. Even taking $50 off for existing customers probably would sale a lot more units. This just makes me shop around when I’m ready to upgrade.

And your reasoning that older 4 tuners can upgrade firmware doesn’t matter at all when talking about upgrading to gigabyte Ethernet connection and meeting 802.11ac standards. Please don’t blow smoke, we know when a spade is a spade.

What are you talking about? You can add more units to your existing subscription, Tablo has come out and said you’re grandfathered in.

That was yesterdays news. You need to read the update from the CEO!

Sorry Jim, for some reason it attached my reply to someone else to your comment.

My comment wasn’t regarding guide subscriptions, but on actual tablo units.

Sorry for the confusion

I think we all still don’t get your comment about the actual units / device? Hence multiple replies about the subscription. What’s your issue?

My comment was in regards to tablo saying they don’t do a trade in program, which is fine, but wish they did. Would go a long way to keep customers loyal. And wasn’t a huge fan how they were dismissive of original poster saying that original 4 tuner gets upgrades, so that’s good. When the new 4 tuner clearly has some advantages over old 4 tuner

Not worth an upgrade in my opinion. The only advantage I see is the ability to mount the drive internally and the bump from 802.11ac to 802.11n. They didn’t even bump the Lan up any. That’s still 10Mbps.

I agree there are some advantages of the new QUAD over the OG 4 tuner, but they are marginal. The OG 4 tuner is still getting all the nice new features via firmware updates.

A trade in program would be nice, but they have no incentive to do that. What are they going to do with a 5 year old unit? These aren’t cell phones that have a huge resale market and likely good resale value. I would never buy a 5 year old “refurbished” unit.

Ethernet is Gigabit, scroll down to specs.

You mean the new quad might not have a newer tuner and/or xcode processor versus what’s in the OG 4-tuner.

I misread the comparison. You are correct sir. It may be a decent upgrade for some people. I see up to 6 streams. I believe the older 4 tuner can only do 4. For me it wouldn’t be a worthwhile upgrade still. If I could get 1 or 2 more tuners for prime time that would be nice. I keep hoping there will be an option to use one of my extra USB ports to add a tuner.

The OG Tablo units can stream to 6 devices at the same time too. See below.

Good to know.

Does the new Tablo Quad have internal cooling?

Great question!

Like a running fan? No.

But it does have internal passive cooling or else the CPU would overheat and die.

you can have ours, frontier isn’t doing anything with it, other than gauging customers.